IDW G5 Camp Bighoof #4


Well-known member
Previously, on My Little Pony...

Like ZOINKS! Actually, Bighoof is acting more like Shaggy with all his munchies in this comic. hmm...

Will this Camp finally get a little more Bighoof in it? Find out in...

So, how is it?

*SIGH* Look, I can't in good conscience recommend this. We're one issue away from the end, so I'm seeing it through. But, it isn't good. Go read the G5 #18 that came out today instead. That is by FAR the superior book.

Art wise this is about on par with the other issues. I think it MIGHT be a *little* better than last issue since we get a few more character moments in this one,'s the same artist. This issue will not change your mind on this artist.

Story wise, this continues to be INCREDIBLY padded. Nothing gets accomplished this issue. There is a tease for NEXT issue, but that's the finale. And I doubt the last issue will justify the last 3 issues of going around in circles. It's not a good "mystery". It's not a good "creature" comic. It's not a good "camp" comic, because, again, NONE of the new camper kids get memorable characterization.

I wish this had managed to wow me. I wish this had managed to DO...anything, really. But, it hasn't so far. And I can't imagine a twist good enough to justify this 5 issue miniseries.

So...I'll say this is better than last issue, but it's still not good.

Sunny and Zipp learn that their cameras have taken pictures of something in the wild. And...they're as giddy as school girls! They are SO HAPPY to be in the middle of the woods with some monster stealing their food. They've got their priorities straight.

And...Zipp is hoping that their picture of Bighoof goes viral. She's VERY happy about something going viral. Zipp SQUEES for crying out loud. I think this writer got Zipp mixed up with her sister, a bit.

Oh, but Hitch warns them not to go off into the woods when it's starting to get dark out. After all...they have to oversee the camper kids using their untrained powers to clear a rockslide in the middle of the woods when they KNOW a monster is lurking in the woods, which they do until it gets even DARKER out. Yeah...Hitch is really concerned about...everyone's safety...*UGH*

One of the camper kids gives the BIGGEST yawn after they start heading back to camp. Yeah...spending all day clearing rocks will do that to you...this camp is getting sued after they get back to civilization.

And then one of the campers scares everyone by pretending to be Bighoof! So this means not only did the Mane 5 NOT keep a very close eye on these campers. but they also have NO defense plan in place in case this really did happen! Oh, and I'm pretty sure this camper doesn't even have a name. So...I can't even give any pity points for a fun new character.

However, I WILL say, Izzy congratulating the prankster camper on a good prank IS a pretty decent character moment. Yeah, Izzy WOULD do that.

And after that, the Mane 5 roast marshmallows together. It'd be a nice bonding moment...if they weren't being terribly irresponsible not looking after the campers that they're supposed to be watching out for.

We DO get a pretty nice shot of Sunny sleeping. Drool and all. Zipp waking her up and Sunny having bed-head is probably the most artistically pleasing sequence in this comic. Which is the fainest of praise, but it does get some points for that.

And so, Sunny and Zipp go around the woods and...collect the photos the cameras print out, like they're instant cameras or something. What IS this technology? I had assumed they would just have the cameras send the pictures DIRECTLY to their phones, if they can get alerts on their phones saying that they TOOK photos. But...this is how they work. And...they all just turn out to be pictures of the local wildlife and bunnies eating the cheesy poofs they left out.

Zipp joins them by downing a ENTIRE bag of Cheetos on the trail. She's COVERED in Cheetos dust. Absolutely disgusting...but in character. I'm counting this as a good character moment, and it balances out the error earlier on with her.

Oh and then BIGHOOF finally shows up! ON THE LAST PAGE! And gives them...a big hug? I swear if they end up having Bighoof start licking the Cheetos dust off Zipp, I'm...I don't know what.
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