engledogg's Wants List


Recovering Completist
I'm creating this post as there are several parts I'm looking for to repair some figures I find as I'm going through some of my storage bins.

These won't be high-priority needs, just hoping to find a wheel here or an arm there for a decent price. I'm not too concerned about accessories - the stuff I'm looking for will mostly be missing panels/wheels/limbs/heads/etc...stuff I would like to get just so I can make the bot "whole".

1. The little hook from Cybertron Mudflap:

2. 2007 Movie Leader Class Megatron's head and right arm assembly (the apparatus that plugs into the forearm), both highlighted in red below:

3. GDO Megatron's left leg:

4. The head/neck assembly for Energon Demolishor (not just his head, but also the part that connects the head to the body) and the flap that goes over the cab in vehicle mode.
Regarding the head, here's what mine looks like, view from above looking directly down on the figure (please forgive the terrible quality):

so I'm looking for whatever fits in there (neck) and his noggin:

in addition to the flap that goes over the cab in vehicle mode (circled in red):

I'll be updating this post with other wants as I find them.

Thanks for looking!

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