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  1. Stilton Disco

    Catch me up.

    Ugh, shared universes are a blight. Might see if I can find some scans online somewhere anyhow. Bloody hell that Optimus Prime is hideous! Well between that, the death of Botcon and the comics that's 3 horrible revelations! Any decent lore Youtubers out there that can give me the rundown on...
  2. Stilton Disco

    Catch me up.

    Bummer about the comics, although given the state of that industry generally I can't say I'm surprised. Went all Twitter Weido and sales fell off a cliff I take it? Were they any good up until the 2018 reboot, or had quality dropped already, and a reboot was to try and boost flagging sales...
  3. Stilton Disco

    Catch me up.

    Hi everyone. I'm back after about a decade. Looking at the last comic I read, can you lot fill me in on what's happened with transformers since about 2015? Yes I'm being serious, I'm basically a time traveller here. Nick Roche and Simon Furman still writing for IDW? Are Materpieces still...
  4. Stilton Disco

    I have returned to you. You're welcome.

    How do gents. It's me, your boy Total Biscuit (not the dead one), back after maybe 10 years. Disappointed to see my old profile has been deleted, but you know, it has been almost a decade I'm pretty sure. Kal still running the show? Cheets and Wheelimus still about? Where's the best place to...

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