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  1. TriBlurr

    Street Sharks return. JAWSOME!

    So yeah. Mattel is releasing a line of Street Sharks figures to celebrate the 30th Anniversary Updated arm and leg articulation. The rubbery "shark...
  2. TriBlurr

    Back on the Mesa. C.O.W. Boys getting a revival.

    Following thier acquisition and Revival of Robo Force and Biker Mice. The Nacelle company will also be taking us back to the Mesa with the real C.O.W. Boys.
  3. TriBlurr

    Transformers Collaborative thread (Transformers X TMNT - Party Wallop)

    Found in Gamestop systems. According to JT Prime. It was added the same time as the next wave of GI joe classified figures. Update: Hidden gamestop listing confirms HISS Tank Megatron with Baroness...
  4. TriBlurr

    Oddest or most random "Holy Grails"

    Here's a fun question. What's the oddest or maybe most random figure that you'd still like to add to your collection? For me it's probably Universe Frostbite. Universe Blastcharge is a close second.
  5. TriBlurr

    Draculus revealed.

    From the Target Fall Geek event. On the app along with Road Rage. Should go live at 8am CST
  6. TriBlurr

    G.I. Joe thread - 02/01 G.I. Joe Day Reveals: Doc, Torch and more

    All Joe discussion here. Classified Recent Releases - Big Boa - Quick Kick - Airborne - Techno Viper - Deluxe Metal Head Retro Carded - Retro Card Scarlett - Retro Card Duke - Retro Card Recondo 60th Anniversary - Action Soldier: Infantry - Action Sailor: Recon Diver Walmart: Nightforce -...

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