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  1. Ungnome

    Ghostbusters General

    Eh, frankly I hope Ernie Hudson sticks around at least. Heck, he's probably the only OG cast member who will probably be alive in 20 years. Hard to believe he's 78.
  2. Ungnome

    So I am making a video game.....

    Actually, he has released his first video in his new Godot series There are a few other pixel art tutorials on YouTube, but Brandon James Greer seems to be the most prolific. There's also techniques to generate pixel art in Blender. is an example. Dead Cells used a similar technique for...
  3. Ungnome

    Ranting about quebec: newspark edition!

    Wonder how that could even be enforced.
  4. Ungnome

    Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

    Fairness doctrine did not require equal time, but did require that organizations give time to people wishing to issue rebuttals to the narrative the broadcaster was sending out. The removal of the fairness doctrine is what led to Fox News and its nuttier kin. Reinstating it would not a magic...
  5. Ungnome

    The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor

    I will say I do actually like the aesthetics of the thing(outside of the 'no buttons' garbage he is continuing to push), but I'm weird. The whole Cybertruck fiasco really show that Musk really shouldn't be in charge of anything, though. He's no engineer(despite his claims) and forces design...
  6. Ungnome

    Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

    Yup, The quest for profit is killing journalism. Granted, it's always been a problem but with the way the economy works now vs 50 years ago has severely exacerbated the issue. 24 hour news cycle, giant conglomerates owning all the major news outlets(both national and local), the killing of...
  7. Ungnome

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    Eyup.. Basically fascists in a nutshell. Killed the dog instead of trying to understand it. Sounds like it only got aggressive with her due to the way she was treating it, the other things it did was regular ole 'dog stuff'. Not every dog, even if bred for it, is gonna be a great hunting...
  8. Ungnome

    Who's trying to break the internet today?

    Don't think that counts as breaking the Internet.
  9. Ungnome

    UK politics thread – it just keeps on getting worse

    Hey, at least now they can use the sunk cost fallacy to push their agenda..... Frankly allowing the asylum seekers to stay would likely have improved the economy over all, if they were smart about it.(potential new workers and consumers). Xenophobia is a hell of a drug.
  10. Ungnome

    Conspiracy lunatic thread - people who believe in absurd nonsense are dangerous

    I swear it seems as if grandstanding on idiocy seems to be the only tactic the Republican party has left.
  11. Ungnome

    P&R Funnies!

    Trans fighter from the Guilty Gear series that uses a yo-yo as a weapon.
  12. Ungnome

    Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

    The grift goes on.
  13. Ungnome

    LGBTQ+ Transformers fan thread

    Intentional or not, there were some definite sapphic undertones present in the way the relationship was portrayed.
  14. Ungnome

    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    It's not even willful stupidity. They know the false positive statistics and decided it was a good idea anyway. At best it is a callous disregard for the value of human life. Kill 10 innocent's to take out a single a person who some algorithm thinks is a member of Hamas is monstrous...
  15. Ungnome

    LGBQT+ News & Articles

    Well, she IS a trans conservative. Only reason anyone gives her the time of day is because she's a rich former athlete who got a lot of exposure on reality TV and she happens to be one of the rare right-wing trans people that certain types can trot out as 'one of the good ones'
  16. Ungnome

    Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

    Yea, and well, you can't simply ignore the amendment. Once ratified an amendment is PART of the constitution, even if it wasn't originally... Maybe they could go and take it up with the founders that they worship an idealized conservative version of.
  17. Ungnome

    The Random Image Thread

    Found AI generated image(really wish it was one of my prompts)
  18. Ungnome

    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Ah, the old 'kill em all and let god sort it out' response. I'm so glad I moved beyond that sort of thinking back in my 20's. Shame Mr Walberg is STILL entertaining those sort of thoughts in his 70's.
  19. Ungnome

    P&R Funnies!

    I took a temporary paycut a few months ago to get out of a job that was slowly killing me mentally. The worst part of the new job isn't the paycut, it's the increased travel time, which has increased my fuel expenditures by around 50%.. Would have felt MUCH worse a couple years ago.
  20. Ungnome

    So I am making a video game.....

    Doing better than me at the moment, I can't seem to get out of idea phase lately. So many ideas, can never focus on anything long enough to get more than a quick proof of concept or crude gameplay mock up built before moving on to another idea. Not sure if it's an undiagnosed ADD thing or the...

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