Ranting about quebec: newspark edition!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I'll die before I surrender... my poutine.

Sarcasm aside: I only eat the stuff like 4 to 5 times a year. The only possible next step is to forego entirely. And I will not.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Alberta's oil industry has been relentlessly blitzing Canadian airwaves and social media with a campaign against environmentalism, liberals, and of course, the carbon tax. Worse yet, they're not even funding all of this publicity themselves. The greenwashed photo on top is from the "Canadian Energy Centre", which was set up by the Alberta government to promote oil and gas industry propaganda.

A lot of people seem to believe everything they see on these ads, but make no mistake: the ads are full of shit.


wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So HEY! The PQ have pushed out a new ad campaign!

A campaign about separation... in english... aimed at the english.

Mother fuckers: you have spent the last FIFTY YEARS trying to make my existence illegal! We will never vote for you. We're not so stupid as to think that you won't make the language illegal and attempt to force us out of the province if you get your country. You're already tried, TWICE! You're only going up in popularity because everyone is ******* sick of the caq, and the liberals are leaderless ******* wastes of carbon. Oh, and because you can't shut your forsaken whine and cheese holes about YOUR COUNTRY, you're dropping in the popularity polls. Because you won't stop flapping your ******* teeth: you're setting up for a liberal mandate when they have absolutely NOTHING to run on, with, or for.

Jesus christ I hate this province.


jumbled pile of person
Hypothetically, if Quebec did secede and literally force you out, would Canada be obligated to treat you as refugees, or would they just be like "Oh hey good luck with that eh?"

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Since I'm a canadian citizen (not that you could tell from here.), it would be "good luck with that, eh" if only because there's no way for a canadian citizen to enter the canadian refugee system. The federal government would probably consider it just moving somewhere... until the surrounding provinces housing crises are exacerbated by hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the fledgling third world nation of quebec.

By the time they react: the problem will have settled itself because the country of quebec will have collapsed, and gone crawling back to canada. Not that I'll get my home back at that point, it'll probably be snapped up by some property management firm.

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