Recent content by Thunderclash

  1. Thunderclash


    Please,sell Super Car Robo 3 Kyodai Set <Clear Version> on Amszon.I can't buy it from Russia on Ebay.
  2. Thunderclash

    The Pet thread

    This is Mosya, my miniature Schnauzer!
  3. Thunderclash

    2D/3D art Made by Fotor

    Drift is taking a photo
  4. Thunderclash

    Fanfiction Minicón

    It's a Pokemón parody
  5. Thunderclash

    Fanfiction Minicón

    Blaster:Steeljaw,I select you! Soundwawe:Primus,he's on 15 level! Ravage:grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr(translate:when you at last eject me!) (Rumble uses piledrivers and breaks the glass) Rumble:It's showtime! Blaster:Steeljaw,Epileptic Blast!!! (lots of red and blue flashes) Soundwawe:Oh,my optics!
  6. Thunderclash

    Selling rare minicons and microns, more UT toys.

    So,I find another one on Ebay
  7. Thunderclash

    Earth Wars - Game Advice Thread (or "Earthies" for Canadians)

    Москвотрон is our alliance
  8. Thunderclash

    TFWiki:heip need

    Add this image to TFWiki,please
  9. Thunderclash

    Selling rare minicons and microns, more UT toys.

    Does awone buy Movie Minicon Ivan
  10. Thunderclash

    Earth Wars - Game Advice Thread (or "Earthies" for Canadians)

    I get ⭐️⭐️ Ultra Magnus,⭐️⭐️BW Silverbolt.
  11. Thunderclash

    Earth Wars - Game Advice Thread (or "Earthies" for Canadians)

    I get ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dust Up,⭐️⭐️Windblade and finaly ⭐️⭐️ OMEGA SUPREME!!!!!
  12. Thunderclash

    Earth Wars - Game Advice Thread (or "Earthies" for Canadians)

    I get ⭐️⭐️ Mirage,⭐️⭐️⭐️Hot Rod,⭐️⭐️Dinobot,⭐️⭐️Ratchet(no campagn)
  13. Thunderclash

    Earth Wars - Game Advice Thread (or "Earthies" for Canadians)

    I get⭐️⭐️ Perceptor,XP 81

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