Transformers Year of the Dragon Crimsonflame is an interesting figure, his base molding comes from TLK Steelbane with a new crotch armor, arm bands, dragon legs head and tail, turning him from a wyvern style dragon to an eastern lung in alt mode and a European style knight to an ancient Chinese warrior in robot mode.
His accessories are kind of interesting, He comes with a flame blast effect that functions as a dragon breath, a spark for his weapons or a spear head for combined weapon mode,
A Chinese lantern with tassels which can be held by dragon mode by the foot or held in robot mode hand
What I thought was a fireworks bundle is actually an Iron Three barrel cannon which can be mounted on Crimsonflame’s forearm or attach to the port on his back for an over the shoulder cannon,
Next one I thought was a fancy torch but i was informed that it was actually one of the first hand guns made, the Fire lance, this can connect to the back of the Three barrel cannon and or held in his hand like torch,
A brick road display stand which can hold all the mentioned accessories at once or if you plug the flame in the dragon’s mouth, you can have Crimsonflame displayed flying in dragon mode or pegged into the back of the stand in robot mode to display him with everything standing and secured
And finally a shield…it plugs onto the back of dragon mode or the robot mode forearm. You aren't gonna be able to store this in the stand with everything, unless I’ve missed something.
Articulation in dragon mode oddly lacking, despite having a neck balljointed in two places to swivel joints and a hinge in the middle with an opening mouth,
Front legs have limited ball joints that only go side to side and rotate along with a hinge, thanks to being a remold of a TLK figure who’s dragon mode had those legs spread out to become massive wings in dragon mode requiring them to have less articulation for stability reasons.
Back legs thanks to being the robot mode arms are a lot more expressive with ball jointed hips, a swivel below that, a hinged knee and a hinged ankle tilt with a swivel connecting it,
The tail is the same as the except without the head so you have a ball joint at the base with two swivel joints and two hinge joints.
Transformation to robot mode is a interesting to describe, you pretty much turn the tail and dragon neck into legs by folding the inner torso joint connecting the tail towards the head and sliding the dragon belly towards the robot legs to form a torso as the back legs fold up to become arms, creating a an ancient Chinese warrior like robot mode,
In this mode the you could combine The flame piece, lantern, cannon and fire lance to create a large hand held weapon,
He is around deluxe size with a neck swivel, balljointed shoulders, with swivels under them, a hinged elbow and wrist rotation joints, No waist thanks to transformation, Ball jointed hips with a swivel under them, hinged knees, with the left knee, (our left his right) having the tail folded up against it so you need to flex it to the side a bit to use it, ankle tilts and rotation thanks to ball joints, Crimsonflame is around deluxe height and shares a lot of sculpting with his mold mates, only change being dragon head and tail tips, dragon legs, weapons, crotch armor and robot mode, and yet the tolerances on him are so much better and tighter on every joint. If you can find him for a price you're comfortable with. I’d recommend him.. Keep in mind he is currently exclusive to China and Hong Kong so expect to pay some extra for importing fees if you don't live in those locations.
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