The behind the scenes look at Legacy United continues. This time Mark Maher has shown off Commander Magmatron. Here we see how great the articulation turned out, even in the separate beast modes. It's good to see that the new standard set by Kingdom is continuing.
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Source: InstagramBehold… the Predacon Emperor of Destruction, Legacy United Commander class Magmatron is ready to shred through your puny collection. Bare witness to the rath that 3 of the largest species of dino’s, the Giganotosaurus, the Quetzalcoatlus, and the Elasmosaurus can do to your Maximal and Autobot armies!
Still can’t really believe I was able to bring this incredible bad guy to life with the amazing Shu san over at Takara Tomy. His dedication and keen design sense just put this guy over the top!
There’s so much to talk about, where do I even begin, the sculpted details, the colors, the insane articulation, the size, the transformation sequence, the blast effects, the magmablade, the magmasaurus modeWhen I first saw this OG toy so many years ago, I was blown away, there was so many things I love about Transformers packed into this guy. Then once I actually watched the Beast Wars Neo dubbed series and saw the action sequence of the combining dino’s I damn near pooped my pants
Some deets Dnavi said to mention, the shouldered blurple landsaurus head can move forward in robot mode, the lower jaws of all the dino’s have painted mouths, the blast effects fit into the port of the magmablade but you can also position it as a blaster, due to transformation the waist actually hinges and can act as almost an ab crunch articulation, the seasaurus can plug into a 5mm port to stay stationary or can unplug and become mobile, the skysaurus does have his 2 removable terrorswords, wooooooooo (allow me to Ric Flair strut around the room)
This year is going to have some real doozies I think all of yall will love! The long nights, the relentless work, the extra, the weathering of the storm, its all worth it for everyone to get the TF toys we all want and deserve!more soon!
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