I'm always up for something. I'm still very busy but Night Cap gets stir crazy if he doesn't get to do anything for a few weeks.
Y'see that's kinda me too. I don't really have a lot of time to be caught up in long and involved RPs. But at the same time, I want to do something with Static/Hazy. But every time I try to bump the bar, there's only a few post before it dies out again.
Static pulls out several pieces of mechanical things from his bag of holding and starts assembling. "For once, the fact that the ghosts are intangible is going to work for us instead of against us. Can't suck up something that's not really there! Before long he has a way too big vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment aimed straight at Maple. "Step right up and check it out...the Hoofer 5000. Please keep your wings tucked in and your horns aimed away from other passengers. We are not responsible for...well...we're just really irresponsible!"