Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater


Nonstop Baaka

Tien was in a hospital bed, recovering after a minor procedure, and Haru was at his side.
"So you're a physical therapist now, huh?" Haru squeezed Tien's left hand lightly.
"Yeah. They really helped me out after the fire, and it's great to give them a hand back. Well, even if I only have one hand to give." Tien grinned and held up what left of his right arm, which had been cut above the elbow. His face had some old scars on it, including a large burn mark that travelled down the left side of his face and neck.
It had already been a few hours since Haru had peeked inside the room, then rushed to Tien's side without thinking. Tien's simple question if they knew each other had started a conversation that Haru couldn't stop.

"So you really don't remember me?"
"Sorry." Tien squeezed Haru's hand back. "I have no idea how I even got to this remote island. All I remembered was my first name. But, I feel like I can trust you. I'm glad you never gave up and found me. It's nice to know my past, at least."
Haru gulped and nodded. In the past few hours, they had shared many tales and tears. He seemed more reserved now, but he still felt like the old Tien. Now, there was one thing Haru had to know.
"I-I know it's been awhile since we dated. You're still stupidly handsome, and I'm sure that... you have a girlfriend by now." Haru blurted out.
Tien blinked at him absently, then laughed lightly.
"You would think so, but no. Girls hit on me, but it didn't feel right somehow." He gently rubbed his thumb against Haru's. "This, though... this feels right. I don't even care if you present as a man."

Oh no. Don't do this. Don't make me hope.

Haru had already resigned himself to the fact that Tien must have someone else, a whole new life. He had been determined not to get involved again.
Haru's spiraling thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Just as he got up and reached for the doorknob, the door flew open and hit his face.
"Tiennyyyyyyy~~~~~" Three well proportioned nurses charged inside and were by Tien's side in a flash, leaving Haru unnoticed and twitching behind the door.
"You just can't stay away from us, huuuh?"
"It's time for your sponge bath!"
Haru's bones cracked as he slowly got up, blood dripping from his bent down head.

The nurses finally noticed Haru.
"No girlfriend, huh?" Haru scoffed. "Well, I guess you did use the singular and not the plural, so that still would've been a technically correct statement."
"I-It's true! We're not dating, they just kinda throw themselves at me..." Somehow, Tien felt his blood run cold and he found himself sweating.
"..." Haru sighed and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "It's fine, Tien. You can't really turn off your playboy charm any more than I can turn off my bad luck."
"I'm just glad you're alive." Haru smiled sweetly at him.

"Because now I can kill you myself."
The hospital walls shook as the nurses ran away and Tien's high pitched screams echoed long into the night.
This is a version of the first ending, which I came up with a long time ago.


Nonstop Baaka
Haru/e let out a sigh and looked at everything they had written. Some pieces of paper lay half-crumpled on the floor with words written with a large red marker across them.
*DESPAIR END - Too depressing.*
*RAUNCHY END - Too self indulgent.*

"There's so many possibilities, I'm honestly not sure which one I like best. They all have good and bad points. Is my own happiness and satisfaction worth sacrificing the happiness of others? Is Tien's? Is what I think would make him happy actually what he would want?"
I want all the endings, and none of them. Haru/e recalled the statement they had said once, and it still felt true.
Normally, once you set on an ending, that was it. But if you kept writing and rewriting without committing, nothing would ever get anywhere, either.
Haru/e stared out the sky outside. All day it had altered between sun, overcast, and light showers. Even the weather didn't want to make a decision.
"Even the decision *not* to make a decision is a decision, I suppose." Haru/e stretched out their limbs with a yawn, cracked their fingers, and got back to writing.

I actually did write the Despair and Raunchy end, and they were indeed Too Much.

Quick summaries:
Despair- Harue finds a way to erase herself from the world. She never existed. Tien gets married and has a family. Kage and co still save the world. The world is not worse without her, just slightly different.

Raunchy- Harue trips into anmesiac Tien. She finds out that Tien is in a friends-with-benefits relationship with his male(!) friend. Uh... *cough* they become a throuple.

I may have mentioned that Harue exists in other stories aside from the rp. The core of her backstory is the same- himbo BF dies right before proposing. The main difference is that she knows he died, and her unluck is more like severe clumsiness. She never gets into a serious relationship again. In the RP, at least, I wanted at least one end where she gets her beefcake back.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Aha. So this ending Is also the fictional world the Haru from the Hope ending wrote about? :) You really have put together a full collection of VN style endings for Haru. From good to bad to sad to funny, to time travel.

Hehe. To getting ‘killed’ because Tien can’t stop charming hot nurses. ;)
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Nonstop Baaka
The epilogue isn't specific to any of the endings, I think in most endings Haru/e would end up writing even if it's as a hobby.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Hehe. Good thing Kage has never managed to get seriously injured. He’d never survive OPD Medical.

I forgot to specify MED, I meant I thought the Alternate Tien survives time travel ending felt like it could (comically) be the fictional world Hope Haru wrote about. Since it ends with Tien offering to Butle for Kage. :)


Nonstop Baaka
While EB tries to keep things low key, I feel like Tien would be an overly enthusiastic influence on Kage and they would end up becoming like a Kamen Rider duo with the technology. And he would def be pushing pretty ladies onto Kage.


Nonstop Baaka
....dangnammit now I've got bad sentai team ideas with our crew. Except nothing ever happens b/c no one can agree on what colors their suits should be.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
That is…very accurate. :) I think we actually did that once, and it went exactly the way you think.

Though Riders do have the advantage of not being standard team types.

EB as Rider Usagi actually sounds kinda cool.


Nonstop Baaka
Wait, we did something like that? I don't remember. Even though Bunny Rider sounds cool, EB wouldn't play along since he already has a 2nd form and doesn't like tech.
Haru/e... would still be trying to get the suit on when everyone comes home from the mission. Which is probably for the best. Haru/e would somehow accidentally wipe out the entire Rider team if she/he had access to Rider tech.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh, that Guyver II. I’d almost forgotten that lady Guyver was a thing.

And then I remembered how the OVA put her suit on.

Yup. Biobooster armour suits RPG Dee quite a bit.

We did do a a very quick Mey Hem Super Sentai team spoof in the OOC thread before the site died. I found buried in a bunch of Mey Hem stuff I saved and forgot about.

"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch me Soar!"
Destron: Dragon Knight!

"I am the wild beast raging within!"
EB: Bunny Knight!

"I am he who guards the light!"
Kage: Omega Knight

Patch: Kage is so going to suffer for this...
"I am the tome that bends your reality!"
Patch: Purple Darkness Mystic Raven

Mokushiroku Sentai SoranRanger = Apocalypse Squadron MayhemRanger

Oracle the All-Knowing
Friday the Friendly AI

Main Rangers:
Kage: Black Tech Bat
Destron: Red Sexy Maple Dragon
EB: Lavender Wild Bunny
PoeT: Green Poetic Fox/Mockingbird
Night Cap: Pink Hyperactive Ego Puppy (Shiba/Klee Kai)
Patch: Purple Darkness Mystic Raven
Tijuego: Maroon Mysterious Cat

Supporting Rangers:
Howard: White Eccentric Baboon
Bea: Navy Tsundere Slime Shooter
Iro:Bright Blue Hyper Monkey
Shellbound Scuttlrsworth: Nuclear Orange Salty Crab

Kamen Rider Mey Hem sounds fun.


Nonstop Baaka
Oh wow. I do not remember that at all. Maybe EB could be talked into it if Iro hit him with the puppy eyes.


Nonstop Baaka
I did think that Dee would want to claim green and purple.
I like that Cappy isn't just a pawny. Too obvious.
Tien would be a phoenix for the obvious reason. Since red is taken, gold?
Haru/e's suit would be in Hawaiian print, so color would be YES. Creature...

Iro: You should be a bug!
Ha: (not too enthused) A bug...? Which one would you suggest?
Iro: Hmmm... OH! Those green one with scythe arms! Those are cool!
Ha: ....praying mantis?
Iro: Yeah!
Ha: ........the one where the females kill the males after mating.
Iro: YEAH! *beams* (doesn't know)
Ha: .......................
Iro: auntie, your eye is wet!
Ha: t-these are tears of joy. Yep, that's the perfect creature for meeeee... (dying inside)


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Aw, Iro is trying to be so Sweet. :) Though i kinda like praying mantis too. Hehe. It even works in a world where Tien and Haru still exist.

poor Haru. She’s just a killer queen..

Kamen Rider Apocalypse

Combination of Technology and Magic

Kamen Rider Omega/Omega Knight (Kage)
Kamen Rider Frost DragonDragon Princess (Destron)
Kamen Rider HexMystic Raven (Patch)
Kamen Rider Usagi/Bunny (EB)
Kamen Rider Hyper Monkey/Hyper Saru (Iro)
Kamen Rider Kai Shiba (Night Cap)

Gold Kamen Rider Phoenix (Tien)
Hawaiian Kamen Rider Mantis (Haru)

So… who wants what colours?
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