Guardians of the Glaxay Vol. 3-Adam Warlock has been cast!

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So this is our new Adam Warlock:


I have some reservations.


Well-known member
I don't. He's got the look perfected.

Ironbite-just hope they don't make him a comedian to replace Pratt.


Continuity Nutcase
"There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it."


I’m not dead yet!
That is Eustace from the Voyage of the Dawn Treader isn’t it! Damn do I want to know how long it’s been since the Narnia series went dormant…

11 years wow.

But I’ll admit with some gold face pain and the hair it’s not too hard to see him as Adam.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
The end point for the Infinity Gems is Thanos willing them not to work, at the start of Endgame. With the Infinity Gauntlet done, what's left for Warlock? Can't form the Infinity Watch.

A discrimination racist xeno plotline where him being the 'perfect specimen' has him getting rid of non perfect species?

Adam doing a Magus and starting his Church of something something? Same with the Goddess with her Infinity Crusade?

WIth the humor of Guardians, I expect Warlock to be a surfer dude preaching hippie space culture. Maybe like Aquarian?


Active member
What I'd like to see is the MCU moving towards stuff like Annihilation, War of Kings and the Maybe-Change-the-Name-Cancerverse. Adam had a big non-Infinity related role in those, in that he turned back into The Magus and helped the evil Mar-vell try to consume the universe. But we know that Gunn isn't interested in the 'cosmic' aspect of 'Cosmic Marvel', so that's probably out.


Active member
Perfect. I can catch up both parts (released) of Guardians Of The Galaxy. Thanks for the update. I'm buying this movie on disk.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
Say, can a moderator fix the spelling of 'galaxy' in the thread title?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Nah let it stay

This is gonna be emotional isinit?
I'm sure it will be about as emotional as Iron Man 3, or Thor Ragnarok...or Spider-Man No Way Home...or Avengers Infinity War...

Yeah, there'll be tears.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw volume 3. Two extra scenes. One mid credits, other at the very end.

It's rather stretched at the end and there's a part where everybody had a focus scene so got contrived but, dang, it left me feeling melancholic. I guess the feelings felt more genuine or hit closer to home with me compared to 1 or 2.

Folks probably like the music but I thought they were up obvious and obnoxious.

Nebula and Mantis are my faves in the movie.

Liked it better than Quantumania.


Active member
If you have any kind of sensitivity to animal testing, just watch out for this damned movie.

For the record, I really loved it. But certain scenes left me wanting to scream along with Rocket in the middle of a crowded theatre.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
They wanted a callback to the first song.

I'm actually a bit off on all the human songs. Surely there's intergalactic music out there?

Some comic stuff I looked up after is the Blurp animal with Adam Warlock is a movie only creature. Whaaaaat?! Not even a reference to anything?

The girl at the mid credit was named but it flew over my head until I looked it up. Online says she's the wheel girl but... is she also the same girl they kept talking to the most?

It wasn't shown but was HE given a second chance? He wasn't shown in the crowd after.

I feel like they cut out a CGI scene, when she touched her chest. Like, it was animated before but they removed it after testing the audience or something.

Can someone explain Drax and Mantis' relationship?!?! It's totally throwing me off because it's not... what you regularly expect?

With Drax and Gamora Bautista and Zoe saying they're not coming back anymore, the way the relationships are left are how it ends. It's so... sad. A bit.

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