Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Disney

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Any folks watching this? I put it in the background and was surprised at how I drew me in.

Peter's new origin was pretty ok. But it's not scientific?

Where's Uncle Ben?

It's such a tease to have superheroes teens around but they're all normal. Probably won't get their powers at all. Nico Minoru is soooo cool to see and best friends with Peter? Neat!

Pearl being around makes this Peter seem to be into interracial romance like MCU Peter. Homecoming, Liz Allen was not Caucasian. Far From Home had him with MJ, also not Caucasian. So same with Pearl being not Caucasian.

Who is Butane?

I expected Kamala Khan but she's not around. If they're de aging some villains, I want Doctor Ock to be Peter's science peer. But seeing how iconic he is, probably not. Or they're use Liv from Spiderverse, who would be super awesome to see her around somehow.


Well-known member
The first episode is kinda mid, being pretty much all set up. Episode 2 is better. I got slightly reminded of Pee-Wee's big adventure during the fight with Butane in the Pet Shop.

I'm kinda not fond of them race swapping and gender swapping some characters, since imo it can't be for diversity here. I want to state, I am fine with it when you're keeping 100% to the casts of characters that were created back in the golden and silver age when diversity wasn't really a thing in story telling. MAWS is a good example of this. But that's not the case here. You don't have Peter's usual cast. His freind group is: Asian, Phillpean love interest, Black Jock. His peers at work are: Wakandan, Latino?, and Chinese. All regular characters that are those races in the comics, Then you add in Black Normal and Harry, and Black (?) and Female Dr. Conners; and it just feels too much, becuase I don't see why you would change them.

I want Doctor Ock to be Peter's science peer.

They already did that in the last Spider-Man show.

Who is Butane?

More or less a new character. Seems they just took Shocker and made him into Pyro. The only comic character I can find with that name is super obscure and seems to share nothing with this one.

Where's Uncle Ben?

Ben Parker was dead to begin with.

It's such a tease to have superheroes teens around but they're all normal. Probably won't get their powers at all.

I feel that some of them will. I am will be personally shocked that they chose Lonnie Lincoln to be Pete's friend/love rival and NOT plan for him to end up Tombstone by the end of the season.

Peter's new origin was pretty ok. But it's not scientific?

I'm not really sure I am fond of them going this route. This was/is supposed to be MCU Peter, but having Dr. Strange apparently change his origin leading to this new time line feels... I'm not sure..

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
originally this was billed as "THE ORIGIN" of the mcu Spider-man, but then that changed. now this is just Disney on their own with no connection to anything sony related doing their own Spider-man.

I'm already not going to be watching thanks to the continuing Ginger erasure. its just obvious at this point. Bob Igor is just jealous there is something out there more soulless than him XD

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
What's MAWS?

Pearl is Filipino. Friend pointed out that the Latino (?) scientist peer is Finesse from Young Avengers! Hazmat is more popular but I'm glad they picked Finesse since she's a no nonsense know-it-all (with no physical powers, just smarts). Is the Wakanda lady anybody?

I should watch the previous Spider-Man show for kid Doc Ock. Did they have a Sinister Six? Could always have the Sinister Syndicate instead.

I'm actually ok with new teenage peers of Peter (except for Lonnie Lincoln and Harry Osborn). I'd probably be sick of seeing Gwen Stacy. New teen characters or de aged people would be cool. Ultimate Spider-Man did have White Tiger, Iron Fist and Luke Cage and Sam (?) Nova. I want to see Slapstick tho, haha

Never heard the news that it's suppose to be MCU version. Now that it isn't then the movie villains are ok to use. I'd rather have someone else be the main bad guy other than Goblin tho.

What's Ginger erasure?


Well-known member
originally this was billed as "THE ORIGIN" of the mcu Spider-man, but then that changed. now this is just Disney on their own with no connection to anything sony related doing their own Spider-man.

The show runners had intially pitched the series as that, then they decided "hug that, its too hard to be creative while adhereing to someone else's sandbox" and decided to make it its own thing.

What's MAWS?

My Adventures With Superman, where you have Jimmy, Lois, and Perry White all race swapped.

I'd probably be sick of seeing Gwen Stacy.

While Ghost Spider/Spider-Gwen is everywhere nowadays, The normal Gwen has barely been in anything, the Amazing Movies and Spectacular. She typically gets ignored for Mary Jane.

What's Ginger erasure?

Des is pissy becuase there's no Red Heads; No MJ and the Osborns have been made black. :p

I should watch the previous Spider-Man show for kid Doc Ock. Did they have a Sinister Six? Could always have the Sinister Syndicate instead.

I can't recall if they did a sinster six; but Season 2 adapts Superior Spider-Man and is the major plot for that season. Its a rather fun show that seems to get no love.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Side stuff first.

Yeah, My Adventures, I forgot the title, haha. That was fun actually.

I've been meaning to watch that Disney Spider-Man cuz I read that Slide was there. Always liked that minor villain. He got killed in the Superhero registration event (omg I forget what it's called now) but anyone could wear his gear.

There were three new Neighbor eps?!?! I watched them and the events are blurring in my head but

- I take it back about Norman Osborn being bad. I kinda love this new version and I hope nothing bad happens to him.

- they did the
so dirty! There was only one name drop and they missed one. But it was AWESOME! The second and third were actually not that bad. I would love to have those tech

- too much Lincoln but whatever

- had to see the cast list to figure who the guy was in the duo but the female wasn't code named. Which female villain has energy blades?

- not familiar with the main lady but who are the other three? Rhino was name dropped but he looks more like Hammerhead. Beard guy is Chameleon maybe? Other lady looks like Screaming Mimi.

- it's teen drama but Nico was disappointed she wasn't having alone time with Peter? I thought she was lesbian. Bi now, I guess. And they gave her a regular a different family. Who's Ms OHara and who is her foster brother? This doesn't seem like the Runaways comic with evil parents now.

- the news was a surprise. Guess it's all a What If now. Interesting tho.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
- it's teen drama but Nico was disappointed she wasn't having alone time with Peter? I thought she was lesbian. Bi now, I guess. And they gave her a regular a different family. Who's Ms OHara and who is her foster brother? This doesn't seem like the Runaways comic with evil parents now.

- the news was a surprise. Guess it's all a What If now. Interesting tho.
I'm not sure she's bi, just used to having Peter all to herself as a BFF and now Norman, who she really doesn't like, is in the picture.

As for Ms. O'Hara and the foster brother, my first thought was Miguel O'Hara, the Spider-Man of 2099. Don't know if that will go anywhere or if it's just an easter egg.


Well-known member
The Prodigy scene I can only watch and hear Edna Mode "NO Capes!" Kinda disapointed they skipped Ricochet, but my theory is that's becuase he'd probably have worked. Dusk isn't "friendly", and Hornet and Prodigy have design issues. But Ricochet is just an outfit like what he's been wearing, but with a leather jacket. He has almost no gadgets, and relies on his agility. He's always been the one that I felt was the least different from Spider-Man unlike the other 3 identites.


Dimitri - Yes he's Chameleon, but he also showed up super breifly in Far From Home.
Mikhail - Not the Rhino, but his dad. So could still be the Rhino in this universe.
Mila - is a genderswapped Unicorn, as ep 5 shows.
Roxanna - Is no one

Blade girl from ep 3 is apparently Tarantulas?

Not sure I like the voice they got for Otto...

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I thought Nico sorta liked Harry, that's why she's following him on Insta, in an reverse ironically thing, haha.

I didn't even think of Miguel O'Hara! What if Nico is the foster sister and the brother is a real blood O'Hara? Nico being adopted would explain her evil parents being out of the picture.

Dusk looked awesome and Peter was gliding pretty well with it. Shame he didn't keep it, if the problem was just being scary. Just wait until the Venom suit comes in. Peter gave up too soon on Hornet's pack. He's a smart guy, he would have figured it out if he read the instructions and stuff. No Capes for Prodigy would have worked too, c'mon, haha.

I was waiting for Ricochet too, darn! I didn't read the four identities arc but I collected the Slinger 12 issues (plus alternate issue 1s). Slinger Ricochet had these throwing discs that bounce and ricochet around. Peter throwing them in a confined space would probably go out of control. Such a shame that they were just one short of showing the whole set of Slingers, darn darn!

Dmitri was in Far From Home?! As one of Mysterio's tech people?

Mila, when I saw the helmet, I thought was Moonstone. I've heard of the Unicorn but never actually seen her (him) in a comic.

Tarantula! He was Latino, yeah, and the lady was named Maria Vasquez. But Tarantula had two boot spike tips as his gimmick, as I can remember. That's a blast from the past, hehe.

Oh, when I saw the 8 mark, I thought infinity or double O. I was thinking Tinkerer before I realized 8 was for eight arms for Doctor Octopus. Then they revealed it right at the end, haha

It's only 10 eps? Dang, that's too quick. With all the Lincoln stuff, I guess Tombstone is the finale. Poor guy.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Weird but ok. Maybe he's a Skrull in the MCU, since he's with the Skrull Shield people.

Side thing but I'm on ep21 of Disney Spider-Man whatever you call it. Spider-Man 2017?

It's been great tho very scientific. I wonder if the kids couldn't relate as much? Me, I like it but I'm trying not to let my Dan Slott favoritism influence me.

Screwball being Liz?!?!? That's crazy! Kinda like it, even though she took over whatever the original Screwball character was.

Otto is a 19 year old teacher so not exactly a classmate. But I loved the single ep where was in a team with Peter and Miles. Would that he stayed heroic.

Without googling, who in the world is disc user Ollie Osnick whatever? I'm thinking an Ollie was the kid who made Octopus arms then changed into Spider Kid then into the Steel Spider. But... anti grav disc's are... the Wizard!!!

Clash vs Shocker was cool. Clash was Dan Slott's way of making an anti Peter Parker.

Cool for Horizon use. That's from Dan Slott. And getting into Spider Island, which is Slott run too.

It's a good series. Might have been too smart to the public? How was it treated?

I got tired of Ultimate Spider-Man since I wasn't into White Tiger, Luke Cage and Iron Fist and Nova so i didn't finish it. Here... I'm guessing it'll turn into the Miles and Gwen plus Peter show. I'm not too wild about the idea but will see. Arana Anya Corazon doesn't have her powers yet.


Well-known member
Yeah, the whole of that series is very influenced by Slott's stuff and other more modern storylines. I liked that the series tried to focus on Peter being a Science Genius more the other adaptions do. Most just kinda say he's smart, this series tends to really show it.

As for Ock, you said "Science Peer" rather then Classmate, and even while he is a teacher them both being teenagers of high intellect, still kinda makes them Peers imo.

I liked Ultimate, it eventually found it legs and got interesting. Plus if you've not seen it it has a very good Spiderverse type story arc. But I feel this series is truer to Spider-Man, to me it almost feels like a responce to Ultimate. Peter's largely on his own, and still having to deal with classic Parker Luck. Season 1 is a bit all over the place imo, but I feel Season 2 gets much stronger since its mostly one long story arc broken into smaller chunks. We also get a few more unique villians, like Hippo and Panda.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Just about Disney Spider-Man and not Friendly Neighbor so off-topic spoiler section.

It's been great! I'm in the middle of season 2 with the Bring On the Bad Guys and its been cool! I'm sure I saw Pandamania in an issue before but I don't recall her powers. Overdrive was introduced in... either Free Comic Book Day or a special issue that introduced Jackpot.

Why is Arana called Spider-Girl? Boo! Different costume tho. Love the explanation that she kept her powers cuz of the experimental cure part, great explanation.

Oh Spider Island was very epic. Movie quality stuff.

Was so happy to see Otto be a good guy then was sad when he was just faking. Such a shame. Without checking up, Carol Trainor is Lady Octopus in the comics? She can't be Stunner.

Oh, Ollie with the anti grav disc's really was Steel Spider, that was cool.

Puma wasn't a member of the Wildpack, was he? I LOVE that he's been animated! I really liked his character in the comics. Glad he got used, even if no voice.

Oh, Kraven has been a hoot with his commercial asides in his second appearance.

Also Jack O Lantern was incredible! I don't think I've seen a super villainy villain like him, embracing the dumb jokes and leaning into loving Halloween. Hope he comes back.

Anyway, really prompted this side post is because Peter keeps making Edison stuff cuz how inspiring he is. But with the info that Edison was taking credit for other people's work under his stable of scientists, it kinda makes me wince.


Well-known member
Just about Disney Spider-Man and not Friendly Neighbor so off-topic spoiler section.

It's been great! I'm in the middle of season 2 with the Bring On the Bad Guys and its been cool! I'm sure I saw Pandamania in an issue before but I don't recall her powers. Overdrive was introduced in... either Free Comic Book Day or a special issue that introduced Jackpot.

Why is Arana called Spider-Girl? Boo! Different costume tho. Love the explanation that she kept her powers cuz of the experimental cure part, great explanation.

Oh Spider Island was very epic. Movie quality stuff.

Was so happy to see Otto be a good guy then was sad when he was just faking. Such a shame. Without checking up, Carol Trainor is Lady Octopus in the comics? She can't be Stunner.

Oh, Ollie with the anti grav disc's really was Steel Spider, that was cool.

Puma wasn't a member of the Wildpack, was he? I LOVE that he's been animated! I really liked his character in the comics. Glad he got used, even if no voice.

Oh, Kraven has been a hoot with his commercial asides in his second appearance.

Also Jack O Lantern was incredible! I don't think I've seen a super villainy villain like him, embracing the dumb jokes and leaning into loving Halloween. Hope he comes back.

Anyway, really prompted this side post is because Peter keeps making Edison stuff cuz how inspiring he is. But with the info that Edison was taking credit for other people's work under his stable of scientists, it kinda makes me wince.

IMO Season 2 is a lot better then season 1. And I think I mentioned that. They do a lot with the characters,

Anya as Spider-Girl is accurate, Since this is based on a lot of Slott's stuff, she was going by that moniker during his run, and is how she shows up in the Spider-verse stuff.

Yes Carolina Trainer is Lady Ock, and no she was never Stunner. That's Angelina Brancale.

Honestly, I hate this version of Jack O Lantern. He just annoyed me the entire time, though I think he's based on Kid Jack, a very obscure one-off villian, who was a trick or treater that got possessed by the spirit of Sam Hain, but with the more typical gear of the Adult version.

I feel like this was before or around the time the truth about Edison was starting to come to public knowledge, so while Cringey now, it was fine back when it aired originally.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
2017 Spider-Man stuff again

On Anya, without looking it up, I actually don't recall her appearing in the Slott run. I just remember her being sacrificed in a ritual. It wasn't during Spiderverse, was it?

I enjoyed this Jack O'Lantern a ton and was tickled when they brought back his weapon when Beetle tried to escape, hehe. Oh yeah, it's awesome that Beetle has been animated too!

Side thing but from season 1, Flint Marko was killed by his daughter Sandgirl? Brutal. But comic Sandman is dead now, right? After he killed Silver Sable? Is there a Sandgirl in the current comics?

Ok, S2. Don't with Superior Spider Ock. Actually teared up a bit when Otto was getting the Uncle Ben memories. Loved it when Anna Marie was introduced, holy cow.

If I remember correctly, Otto gave back Peter body during the Goblin War or something. I forget how he did it (he kept a back up of Peter's memory?) but I recall it was because he couldn't handle Norman or something. So toon Otto switching back because of Venom, well, I would have upped the stakes higher, like make it more dramatic that Anna Marie was in a more iconic spot that just the auditorium and Otto was panicking because his superior spider sense doesn't work on Venom. And he only returned the body to Peter because Venom wanted the real Peter in the body and knew how to deal with the alien. The electricity weakness was kind of weak.

Still, it was a very cool arc.

Don't know the Regent if a Spider-Man villain or an Avenger villain but I had to post because, OMG, it's Paradox?!?!


Paradox from when Dr Strange split himself into human Doctor Steven and magic being Strange who was in Midnight Sons but then was original Dr Strange needed to get himself back together, he dissipated the evil Doctor Steven but sent Strange into the magic dimension to help Clea and Strange renamed himself in Paradox?!?!?

Holy cow, the writing staff are such fanboys!!! I love it!

No idea who Frostbite the ice guy in prison tho.

Oh, Slyde here is was more violent than the comic version I know and was killed.

Anyway, am in Goblin Nation. Forgot to mention that I love th fire sword reference to Phil Urich who was... the Goblin Prince? Or Hobgoblin? During the Slott run, he was a sort of Peter Parker analog with a secret identity and juggling his normal life with his villain life. Did he die in the comics? I remember that maybe someone killed him with his own sword or something.

Gwen getting powers is nice. Four spiders now plus good Otto so it's all good!


Well-known member
Anya - iirc her getting Sacrificed caused her to lose he Arana powers, and it was after that she took up the mantle of Spider-Girl until getting her original powers back.

Is Sandgirl in the comics - Depends on how you mean. Keemia Alvarado exists in the comics and is also mentioned in Insomniac's Spider-Man 2. But her with powers is so far unique only to this series.

Superior Spider-Man - Goblin Nation is the main reason I love season 2 so much. Its not the same as the comics; but largely just seeing Otto change and try to redeem himself, to the point of basically being this Peter's Genki/Ned(Home Trilogy)/Harry(FNSM) was such a great thing. IMO its the best part of the series, espcially since it kinda harkens back to Season 1 with him starting off trying to be an ally. Just feels like Otto comes full circle here.

Regeant is a fairly New (as of the series's airing) Villian who is now mostly obscure. He started off in the AU "Renew your Vows" miniseries, but got a Prime universe counterpart, who this one is based off of. He is a Spider-Man villian, but like with what we see here, he has ties to the Avengers. In the Prime Comics his parents were killed in a battle between the Avengers and the Masters of Evil. He's not been seen much since though.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Which day does the new Neighbor eps drop?

--- more 2017 Spider-Man
They killed Otto?!??! Omg. Screw that! Just when he met Anna Marie too? Geez! That's so horrible! Argh! So horrible :(

Well, am on the last season. Grady Scraps from the AIM ep was cool. The only Grady I know of the Irredeemable Antman so I don't know this guy. Curt Connors being evil is fine.

Spider-Girl for me is Mayday Parker from the MC2 universe. Anya could have used the Arana name, cmon.

I played PS5 Spider-Man and, yeah, Sandman had a daughter but no mention of powers. Wonder why the series wanted to make a Sandgirl? There's a Quicksand female already in the Marvel comics. Could have used that.


Well-known member
Yeah, Otto's death is the one thing I don't like about the arc, partly because it feels both a bit forced, and happens really fast... and that whole "dissolves for some reason" type of death. But partly because, as I said, I really liked Otto being the "guy in the chair/Dude at the Desk" for this Pete. It really was a way to keep this Spider-Man "Superior" since you'd have Pete's usual style reinforced with Otto's intelligence. Feels like they could have done great things with that dynamic.

Grady Scraps is a minor character from Slott's run, he worked with Pete at Horizon Labs then Pete's own company. I feel like they only brought him back to give Scott Menville, Otto's VA a role for the final season.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
There's new Neighbor eps out but I'm also watching Falcon America but I was at the last eps of 2017 so I finished it off so I don't get slammed with new stuff.

I should have reacted to the first part of Maximum Venom because the last half wasn't that Venom-y. The invasion was movie style epic too. So many heroes! Groot was cool, Cho was jocky, Ironheart was ok.

Dark Goblin was pretty normal. The connections to the spider team was a huge surprise, especially with Swarm. I'm sure that was a new thing for the show and not a comics thing. Chameleon was great since the sister came out of nowhere.

Wrap up was kinda fast. Would have been nice to have the Oz Academy and Horizon students get together to form a new school.

The WEB collective was a good note to end on but other students coming in would have been nice. We didn't even see how smart Alexei Rhino was. Plus Cho and Riri would be great at WEB, though I don't know how old they are. Plus Anna Marie.

Grady was great but he should have been Otto. Kinda sad that he was really dead dead. Otto was only 19! Poor guy. Maybe he could have returned if it continued. Also love Scott Menville's voice for Otto. For some reason, I didn't connect it to Grady's voice. Didn't hear the tinge of Robin Titans there until you mentioned it was Scott M, haha.

Extra stuff.

Nothing happened with Sandgirl and her killing her dad. So odd.

Ollie Steel Spider and Clash and Shocker disappeared, darn! They would have been great classmates.

Oh yeah, during the mob Superior stuff, Big Wheel was mentioned as being taken down. But we never saw him.

I noticed it before but I love how romance was not in the wings at all throughout everything, until MJ appeared (oh also Otto and Anna Marie). Might have been less relatable to watchers but having little teen drama was great.

Miles was named Spy-D in one ep. Subtitles called him Kid Arachnid. Was there any official name for him? Even the kids CGI show Spidey and Amazing Friends named him Spin.

Since I wasn't reading the reactions and stuff, how was 2017 Spider-Man received? Because I kinda love it. I know everybody totes Spectacular Spider-Man as peak Spider-Man but 2017 is actually really good! For comic fans, especially. I hope people liked it. I think Ultimate Spider-Man was sorta putdown for the faux anime comedy stuff.

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