Toys and Figurines Age of the Primes Star Convoy Behind the Scenes

The moment has arrived. Mark Maher has shared a behind the scenes look at what may be the greatest Transformers toy in decades: Age of the Primes Star Convoy.

I'm not saying Star Optimus Prime. Sorry.











The Thirteeth Prime has arisen, Star Optimus is ready to utilize his ancient mystical zodiac orb to overpower your collection. His stark appearance clearly commands a new shelf in your collection and I can’t wait for you to build out the entire 13 primes to once and for all have the great gods of Transformers!
The almighty Shu san worked on this titan with me and boy oh gosh oh golly, he turned out divine! As always, working with Takara Tomy’s amazing team of designers is always a great honor and privilege that I do not take for granted.
I think I’m going to be making 2 posts on this behemoth. The anime style aesthetic that this guy embodies makes him so photogenic, of course mixed with some high class articulation and detailing to really make ya drool 🤤! Oh did I forget to mention the 3 killer modes, the long awaited appearance of Micromaster Hotrod (compared him to the core Hotrod), the plethora of weaponry, the first energon bullet accessory(I photoshopped in some extra’s),the matrix hilt with a multitude of metallic tinted blast effects that will keep ya entertained until moms calls ya in for an energon replenishment🤖🔋❗️
Tune back in for more bot boppers, make sure you scream out whatcha interested in seeing 👇🏻 below
Source: Instagram

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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I can't wait for them to do Beast Wars Neo Big Optimus Prime.
For one, it would be Big Optimus PrimAL. And two, you jest, but I’d LOVE a big leader/Commander redo of him, especially with Magmatron being done. I think he’s probably my favorite Beast Era Optimus design (though, the loose Dino-connection probably helps too.). Given what we’ve seen with recent figures, I think we’d see some really nifty gimmick interpretations.

On Star Convoy, though…
I’m liking more and more, despite my best efforts (I need to cut back on spending, dang it!). I dig the base turret also become another hand blaster. Confirmation of an Energon BULLET is quite a demonstration of hubris from this design team ;) If anything, that feels like a “Warden feature” given the last time I saw a bullet accessory at retail, it was in a 3.75” GI Joe figure over a decade ago. About the only issue I have is the shade of the translucent blue. I think it works for most elements, but it comes across as being too dark for the decision to use it on the eyes. Without a venue for light piping, those clear eyes don’t really do much for me. I’d argue that an extra paint app might have been a better option here.

But I’m REALLY digging ”Micromaster” Hot Rod. While no means a true Micromaster (or comparable micro figure, really), I’m really liking it on the merits as a Core Class figure. Despite the loss of the back spoiler, I think ALL the other details really click with me. Especially the face sculpt and colors.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
This is what Battlestars is all about. The Battlestars are huge and chunky, but somehow dynamic at the same time. It's hard to pull off, but it's their thing. Contrast this with Ginrai, which they made dynamic by making him weirdly lanky and not at all what I want in a Powermaster Optimus Prime. That's usually how it goes with super robots. Chunky toy, lanky in the anime.

And then there's these guys. I've been trying to explain it for decades and someone at Hasbro finally believed me.


too old for this
The more I see of Star Convoy the more excited I am to get him in hand. Thinking I'll end up selling off my MMC version. This looks much better, more playability, and less stressful knee joints.
I'm super stoked to get this. And I'm sure a third party will do some good fully articulated hands for him too.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I don't honestly know how big the Core Hot Rod was, but I don't remember it being TOO small. That's an unusually big 'Micromaster', isn't it?

The MicroMasters are getting taller, and the Titans are getting shorter, but the snozzberries still taste like snozzberries, they can't take that from us!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I appreciate MMC for trying, and I wouldn't say they did a bad job with their redesign, but it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted Star Convoy, vehicle mode and all.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
The chunky dynamic look really is a great way to put this look Coffee. Star Optimus (Star Convoy) looks, well, like Primes ultimate form. Its also got that awesome retro futuristic vibe down for all modes.

And Micromaster Hot Rod is cool too.

The ‘blazing sword’ Matrix Blade is great.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I think this is still considered Convoys ultimate form in the Takara timeline, as most of the rest are either stories chronologically based before, alternate timelines like Binaltech and Alternity. Or other Convoys.

I think.


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