Mark Maher is at it again, this time with a behind the scenes look at Age of the Primes Fugitive Waspinator.
Source: InstagramFugitive Waspinator finally gets to jump on into your Transformers Animated collection.
You’ll catch me referring to this lil rascal as just Wasp, although I do rather enjoy the fugitive aspect and character rep this dude has.
During the beginning phase of rebranding the packaging for our new Generations segment, our pkg team utilized ol Wasp here as the character for all the big meetings. Everytime the illustrations were showcased in front of senior management I couldnt hold in my giggles and joyous elbow nudging to my compardres. Imagine, WASP, an obscure lil critter from a great series, who never even had a toy back then, is now the poster boy of a whole series!Just a pleasant reminder of the golden era we are currently existing in.
I’ve dreamed of characters like this to come out in the proper light and to get a Yuya san design treatment for a TF toy its like traveling into the Matrix. You constantly have to pinch yourself to see if the reality your existing in is really real, or you just really need some more sleep!
You know the stinger drill my peeps,the deets of these characters are what makes them come to life. So make sure you utilize the jam packed articulation this Micronus descendent has to offer. Colors came out better then expected, but I’m in love with the color green and then when you add a complimentary deep decepticon purple tint with it,
just delicious
I hope you all have a pleasant weekend, filled with posing, transforming, and of course, buying more Transformers! Let the toy hunts commence!
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