The year 2019 was a long time ago... well, long enough, anyway. Some people weren't even in the hobby of collecting Transformers at the time, if you can believe it. Heck, there are people alive today who weren't even born yet!
All of which is to say, there are reasons why someone might have missed the boat -- or plane, as the case may be -- on two of the Transformers - War for Cybertron: Siege 4-packs that were available at the time.
But fear not! For apparently, in some way or another, the folks over at In Demand Toys have gotten their hands on re-runs of these, er, in-demand toys!
The Transformers - War for Cybertron: Siege "Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce Pack" includes a redeco of Sideswipe in his Generation 2 colors, a retool of Siege Skytread with a new head to make Slamdance, and the Battle Master known as Trenchfoot.
Have a gander:
On the other side of the coin, the Transformers - War for Cybertron: Siege "Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron Pack" redecoes Starscream as Skywarp, and hooks him up with redecoes of Battle Masters Firebolt and Aimless as Fracas and Shrute, respectively, while Pteraxadon is redecoed into the delightfully-named Terror-Daxtyl.
Look on, if you dare:
Both are available for pre-order now from In Demand Toys for £39.16 each, with the Autobots here and the Decepticons here. Now, if none of Hasbro's current/upcoming offerings tickle your fancy, at least you now have another avenue for giving them your money!
Thanks to Powered Convoy for the tip!
Update: Now the packs are available from US retailer BigBadToyStore! Order the Decepticon pack here, and the Autobot pack here.