Where can I find the translation for "A Tale of the Pretenders" Manga?


Finally, I am now leader of the Decepticons!!!
Hello everyone!
As the title said, I would like to ask where I can find the translation for "A Tale of the Pretenders" manga?
I saw on a Transformers blog that it had been translated and posted on this forum site back in 2014, but when I clicked the link the page said that the forum topic doesn't exist. I figured that it might have been whiped out along with other posts in 2021.

So since the old forum post no longer exists, does anyone know where I can still find it?
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Well-known member
Oh cool. I never heard of that Manga before. It's awesome to see the Pretender Beasts and 1989 Pretenders in Japanese Fiction (or any fiction really).

-ZacWilliam, especially the 89 Autobot guys that don't get near the amount of play as Bludgeon's team and are really cool darn it.

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