

terminal shitposter
dwid you evew heaw da twagedy of Dawth Pwagueis da Wise? i thwought nwot. it’s nwot a stowy da Jedi wouwd teww you. it’s a Swith wegend. Dawth Pwagueis was a Dawk Wowd of da Swith, so powewfuw and so wise he couwd use da Fowce to infwuence da midichwowians to cweate wife… he had such a knowwedge of da dawk side dat he couwd evwen keep da ones he cawed abwout fwom dying. da dawk side of da Fowce is a pwathway to mwany abiwities swome considew to be unnwatuwaw. he becwame so powewfuw… da onwy fing he was afwaid of was wosing his powew, which eventwuawwy, of couwse, he dwid. unfowtunatewy, he twaught his appwentice evewyfing he knew, den his appwentice kiwwed him in his sweep. Iwonic. he couwd save othews fwom dweath, but nwot hwimsewf.
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