Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
I only wanted Filch, and Hasbro Pulse sent me an email saying she's already on the way, so I can't speak for anything Walmart's doing with the rest of the assortment.


Well-known member
I had Filch on order from Hasbro and Walmart since she was the only one I really cared about. As soon as Pulse said she shipped I canceled the Walmart.

I'm very curious if I ever see these on shelf around here. The Toxitron guys came and went really fast. Like I saw most of them in Walmart maybe once or twice tops. There were on shelf for maybe 2 weeks and then gone. The seeker lasted a little longer but only a little. I've seen pictures elsewhere in the country where they really shelf-warmed and were still clearanced this summer, but not here. I wonder if it's cause the Beast guys hung around forever here maybe our stores just didn't order any G2 or something.

-ZacWilliam, but I got Filch coming and if I don't see the rest, I'll live...


Life of the Party
Toxitron had weird distribution the height of release I couldn't find anything....finally found Malibu Sideswipe at the start of this summer and saw Deadend last week...I really M curious how they decide which Wal Mart gets what and what they actually put on the shelves and when.


Life of the Party
That being said I'll hunt for Star seekers in the wild. I want Cannonball...but not that much...I want the rock guy with Thundertron too...but not enough to buy a new Thundertron


Another babka?
And, from watching a video of a SDCC panel where they first announced and showed off parts those DVDs, it seems the people in charge at Hasbro at the time had a pretty low opinion of the JG1 cartoons on their own, and may have thought that all the changes made to the subtitle scripts were "improvements". 😒
I think there's truth to that. Not saying James Roberts = Hasbro but he was one of the major writers on the comics for a good stretch of time and his stuff needed to be cleared.
I bring that up because he seemed genuinely shocked that there were Western fans upset with his depiction of Star Sabre as a religious fanatic war criminal rather than the heroic character he was in Victory. Like he wasn't upset at people not liking his take so much that he was surprised that there were Westerners who cared about Star Sabre's original characterization.
And you have to think he sent his plans into Hasbro, they probably went "no one's gonna care what you do with this Japanese only character" and he assumed that was the truth.

Then you fast forward to the HasLab campaign for Star Sabre and Victory Leo and Hasbro declared that it was the first time that Japanese characters had been brought over to the West, which was just emphatically not true.

So it paints the picture of Hasbro on the whole being shocked that their customers and fans not only know about Japanese only shows and characters but like them.

Then again Hasbro is continuously shocked when it's shown fans like Beast Wars, so what hope do Victory and Masterforce have, really?


Well-known member
Toxitron had weird distribution the height of release I couldn't find anything....finally found Malibu Sideswipe at the start of this summer and saw Deadend last week...I really M curious how they decide which Wal Mart gets what and what they actually put on the shelves and when.

I can attest to having horrible luck finding the Toxitron collection in stores. I saw Grimlock and Toxitron himself at two different Wal-Marts when I was initially looking for them, but didn't see anyone else from the assortment in stores until months later. And by months, I mean around December. Fortunately I've managed to snag everyone that I wanted, but it pretty much killed my faith in Wal-Mart's distribution capacities.

I suspect that the system just lumps all the Transformers together. If the computer says that there's so many of a given assortment on the shelves, management won't order more from the warehouses. Hence, the more shelfwarmers you have, the less likely you'll get a restock. And that's even assuming there's stuff in stock at the warehouse.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
At least around here (US Midwest), the Toxitron stuff had their own price tags that said capsule on them, so I don't know that their distribution issues are due to other Transformers on shelves. That said, not every Walmart around here got them. Those that did seemed to have gotten 2-3 cases eventually, as I've seen every Toxitron figure make it to clearance prices (even Sideswipe!)

The Star Seekers have normal Legacy packaging, supposedly so they can be placed on existing mods, so I am a little more concerned about what their distribution will look like. Regular Legacy and Studio Series Deluxe has been kind of wonky around here this year.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Has anyone gotten Cannonball, or is this an ominous sign?
I thought it might be a screwup due to payment issues at first, since the card I made the initial preorder with had to be replaced at the start of this month and I could not find any way to edit the payment method on the order itself without just cancelling and re-doing it - which, with Cannonball being out of stock, I wasn't going to do. However, I looked over at TFW and there's a good mix of folks there who are having Cannonballs filled, folks getting no info updates at all, and folks having him cancelled. A number of the cancelled camp being folks who were pretty quick on the pre-order draw, so they're pretty understandably salty.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
The only Toxitron Collection stuff I ever saw at regular retail were some G2 Mirages.

That somehow ended up at Target and not Walmart.


My local WM put the Toxitron stuff on clearance back in the spring (March or April, maybe?), but the one near my folks' place ~60 miles away just stocked that subline at full price last month, so I have no idea what's going on with that.


Another babka?
I got everything I wanted from the Toxitron collection... and I got them all from a local comic shop. I think I saw Toxitron himself once at a Walmart and that was it.

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