Transformers Legacy toyline


Staff member
Council of Elders
Just Wasp, maybe Armada Wheeljack (if in show colors), maybe G2 Grimlock (blue?), Sureshot, and Overcharge.

Curious about 86 Galvatron and Megatron.

Will wait to see more of the Primes to decide whether or not to get into all that. IDK how I feel about having actual toys of them outside of Vector Prime (never used the POTP toys for that purpose).

IDK how I feel about the Aerialbots yet as I haven't even updated my Stunticons (and those needed it more). Financially it just hasn't been a priority with so much coming out and with the absolutely steep price climb of the last couple years.
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Somehow still sane
Presumably, the Aerialbots are leapfrogging ahead of the combiner queue because two of them are going to be repainted into Nexus Prime’s limbs. What I’m wondering is how they’re going to handle the torso. Silverbolt’s probably going to be that year’s commander so will next year be Heatwave? Given the similar altmode, will he be a retool of Onslaught? Nexus Prime’s going to need a helicopter and tank limbs so it’d make sense to do combaticons next.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Let's see:

Deluxe G1 Sureshot
Deluxe Armada Wheeljack
Leader G1 Overcharge

Deluxe Slingshot
Deluxe Air Raid
Deluxe Solus Prime
Voyager Prima
Leader The Fallen

Deluxe Alchemist Prime
Deluxe Swindle
Voyager RID Skybyte
Leader Onyx Prime

Deluxe Micronus
Deluxe Venom
Deluxe Skydive
Deluxe Fireflight
Voyager Alpha Trion
Voyager Flatline

Leader 86 Galvatron
Deluxe 86 Bonecrusher
Voyager 86 Scrapper
Leader 86 Megatron

Deluxe WFC Autobot Soldier
Deluxe 86 Scavenger
Voyager 86 Mixmaster
Deluxe Dev Optimus
Deluxe TFone B-127

Those are of interest to me.



NOT a New Member.









Well-known member
Been charged for the Legacy Wave 2 preorders that I placed on Hasbro Pulse. Hopefully, the BBTS preorders will follow soon.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
My local TRU, which never has anything and is seemingly used as a dump for overstock from other TRUs... had origins wheeljack in. Pricy, but acquired.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I hope that Soundwave multipack pans out. But more than that I hope we also get his latter cassettes (not likely in this supposed set which is apparently SS86). Overkill maybe even as a pretool for Dairu, and Slugfest as a pretool for Zaur/u. Core class should allow a little bit of room for the extra engineering, idk.

Hell, just give me a big pack of minicassette bots and cons already...


Another babka?

Deluxe Armada Wheeljack
Leader Galaxy Shuttle PR
Leader G1 Overcharge


Deluxe Solus Prime
Voyager Prima
Voyager Armada Red Alert
Leader The Fallen

Deluxe Alchemist Prime
Voyager RID Skybyte
Leader Onyx Prime

Deluxe Micronus
Deluxe Venom
Voyager Alpha Trion
Voyager Flatline

Studio Series

Voyager TFone Sentinel Prime
Leader TF4 Optimus Prime

Deluxe TFone Starscream
Leader 86 Megatron

Deluxe TFone B-127
What I'm interested in. A chance to fill out some of my Thirteen, some RiD 2001 and Armada love, some TFOne stuff that I'm super curious about, and 86 Megatron because that's just...curious....


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
What I'm interested in. A chance to fill out some of my Thirteen, some RiD 2001 and Armada love, some TFOne stuff that I'm super curious about, and 86 Megatron because that's just...curious....

Yeah, SS86 Megatron is definitely the most "just curious to see what they do here" upcoming figure. I'm guessing it's just going to be the most cartoon-accurate robot mode they can do that transforms into a tank that looks like it's made out of gun parts.

I'm just hoping they get the head right. They seem to bat around .500 on Megatron faces. Siege looks great, but Earthrise looks a little goofy.


Two arms and one smile
Yeah, I honestly never cared much for either Siege or Earthrise Megs. I will concede though that Siege is the better head sculpt, IMO. I just want something that is at least on par with what Earthrise Prime did. I honestly don't care much about Megs' alt mode; just give me a super-convincing G1 robot mode that is as proportionally well-done as Prime, and I'm good.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, SS86 Megatron is definitely the most "just curious to see what they do here" upcoming figure. I'm guessing it's just going to be the most cartoon-accurate robot mode they can do that transforms into a tank that looks like it's made out of gun parts.

I'm just hoping they get the head right. They seem to bat around .500 on Megatron faces. Siege looks great, but Earthrise looks a little goofy.
It's time for a curiously shaped submarine with seductive thighs.

Hoping there's a good blast effect-compatible gun-mode Megs accessory to really complete those Shuttle Massacre dioramas.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Honestly the alt mode I wish they'd give Megatron is something like a Howitzer. He goes from hand gun, to big artilery gun.

Yeah, that would 100% be my preference. It seems like an obvious solution that has somehow never been attempted. And being a new, never-before-used alt mode for Megatron, it would be a pretty interesting new development that may spur some people to buy that otherwise might be fine with the Megatrons they already have in their collections.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I like the idea because if they engineer it right, there might be a built-in undocumented way to fanmode up a pistol. The main barrel and body of the Howitzer can be evocative of the Walther body shape, the robot legs can split up into the struts (and fold back up into the grip), have some wheels or treads for howitzer mode that tuck away.

There's still a fair bit they can do with the robot mode to get less Stege and more G1, from proportions to little bits like the gunbarrel pipe on the back. Wouldn't mind two heads (or one with two faceplate panels) as well with different expressions. And if anyone should come with blast effects...

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