Fanfiction The Avion Adventure: Journey to Arkopolis - Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders

This cover was a lot of fun to put together. While the ship is basically a redraw placeholder until I can get someone to design something to spec, I did the background on my own via a tutorial I found on YouTube. It was fun! I may do more sometime, since I always love starry space backgrounds and night skies and the like.

Meanwhile, the story was something a bit new for me. I had to pad this episode out a bit, and wound up flexing my creative muscles a bit in the meantime.


LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
New Legends ofthe Halcyon Era time! The Avion Adventure continues, as Nytetrayn and Steel go Digging! But in a world without Reaverbots, what dwells in the depths of Avion’s ruins?


Cover was a collab between Victor Campan and myself, with logos from DigitallyFanged.

Check it out at The Mega Man Network (with a little behind-the-scenes on the cover):

On Archive Of Our Own:

Or keep an eye on Mega Man Legends Station, where it should appear soon!

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