Super Smash Bros.


Cursed Punweaver
I love having Jigglypuff around, as the great destroyer of hubris and trash talk. There's nothing quite as delightful as making someone get tilted with her.


Woobie Destroyer of Worlds
Jigglypuff isn't my favorite Pokémon by any stretch. But having been in Smash since day 1, it's hard to leave her out.

Here's what I would love to see happen in story mode. You create a Mii to start out with. You fight through a Kid Icarus type level and unlock Pit, Palutina and Medusa. Fight through a Megaman type level and unlock Megaman, Protoman and Dr Wily. Go through a Castlevania type level and unlock Simon, Soma and Dracula. Go through Metroid and unlock Samus,Zero Suit Samus and Ridley.

At the end you get the credits, unlock Kevin Keene, Princess Lana and the final screen shows Kevin, Duke (Kevin's dog), Pit, Megaman and Simon with big words that say "new series coming 2022 on Netflix"

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