Star Trek General Discussion

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I'm finally done with season 4 of Enterprise and it was pretty awesome, with the exception of one episode. Has this multiple two three arcs throughout the season been repeated? It's pretty cool, except for that one episode.

I guess the time travel arc is suppose to wrap up all of the Soliban and future stuff. I thought there would be another arc but that was done.

I loved the Soong and the Augments arc, even tho they killed the poor imperfect one. With those extremists, I can now see why the Eugenics War or whatever was to be feared. Those guys were too tough.

The religious Vulcan stuff was ok. Wasn't too into it. I thought they would follow up on the evil Vulcan or whoever at the very end but that was it?

Loved the Shran and the Andorians and the Aenar with the Romulon remote ship. Brian Thompson returns as a bad guy again but at least not a thug. Shran fighting Archer felt like some padding but whatever. Jeffrey Combs is still cool. (Hemmer was an Aenar! Did he ever say stuff like, I would like to be warmer or I hate the cold or something? Like Shran's girlfriend.)

I supposed the Klingon Augments turning human was an explanation for the normal looking Klingons in TOS? Isn't Enterprise, I dunno, a hundred or whatever years before TOS? Wouldn't the human Klingons have died already by then? But it was a great arc for Phlox. Also Reed Malcolm actually.

I rolled my eyes at the Orion ep.

The new intro in the Mirrorverse eps surprised me, haha. I was wondering what was happening. The Gorn seemed like a filler bit. I was actually ok with Hoshi here, except for her being a seductress. Thought there'd be more consequences tho.

Screw Terra Prime for killing the baby :( that was horrible :( why couldn't we have had a happy ending for that? Yes, I recognized Robocop. The doctor at the front and the politican were familiar but I can't place where they are. Reed's spy contact whatever must have been the start of Section 31. They tried to give Travis an arc with the reporter but eh. They made Hoshi the temp captain?! Hoshi?!?! Whaaaaa?!?!

Can't believe I'm at the finale and they killed Trip?!? Why the hex?!? Love the framing stuff with Riker and the cloaking tech conspiracy from Next Gen. He was a chef, haha. Again, why kill Trip? Loved that Shran had a baby but that mission led to Trip's kinda pathetic death, c'mooooon. Would have been a great if bittersweet ending with the speech thing but, ugh, why kill Trip?!?


Well-known member
I didn't watch most of Enterprise but I did watch the last few. IIRC my issue with the killing Trip thing is that it didn't feel right narratively. It felt like the kind be of thing they would have absolutely overcome and saved him from in any other episode, but didn't here for no other reason than the show runners wanted to have a death in the finale.

At least that's how I remember it feeling to me, like something that wasn't "true to how Star Trek stories work."

-ZacWilliam, I don't know if I would feel different now, but at the time I strongly disliked that plot point. It didn't help that Trip was probably the most likeable one, but even that aside it just felt "manipulative" and "un-Star Trek-y".


Well-known member
I resented killing Trip because I was thinking there was potential for a movie series after the end of the show, but that didn't happen anyway.

In the books, they brought Trip back to life immediately.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I resented killing Trip because I was thinking there was potential for a movie series after the end of the show, but that didn't happen anyway.

In the books, they brought Trip back to life immediately.
What? How? They used a mimic animal thing again like how they made that copy of him just to grow an organ replacement?

I actually sorta assumed that TPol had sex with that copy. And then gave birth to the poor baby before the real Trip recovered.

Why did Terra Prime make the baby anyway? They wanted to mix human and Vulcan DNA and show the world what kind of monster baby it would be? But when she turned out looking normal, they didn't care anymore?


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
If only I could justify getting that piece of kit, it's absolutely beautiful.


Active member
I supposed the Klingon Augments turning human was an explanation for the normal looking Klingons in TOS? Isn't Enterprise, I dunno, a hundred or whatever years before TOS? Wouldn't the human Klingons have died already by then? But it was a great arc for Phlox. Also Reed Malcolm actually.

Klingons seem to be just a tad more long-lived than the average human... recall how several of Kirk's TOS-era Klingon opponents are still alive and surprisingly active during DS9's time.

Also, those human-looking Klingons would've had children and passed on those genetic traits. It probably wasn't until sometime after TOS that Klingon genetic-engineering evolved to the point they were able to safely solve it for good.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The actual, natural lifespan of the klingon species is unknown. Long lived klingons are assumed to be aberrations as they didn't die in glorious battle in the name of the empire, and are only sought out to determine what they did in life so that those things can be avoided.


Well-known member
Did he really? Is that a joke? I can't tell if it is, haha
It is serious. Novel writers, at least, immediately knew it was a big mistake to kill off the character. I have only read a few books, but T'Pol knew he was still alive and I think Archer eventually did too.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I haven't said anything but I'm in season 3 ep Macrocosm episode of Voyager. It's been great (with some sad eps) but I'm only mentioning now cuz it's the ep where the macro viruses were shown in Lower Decks.

So the macro viruses start out small and infect people so more come out of their necks then grow big (very creepy and obviously Ripley Aliens of Janeway to fight them). In the Lower Decks ep, they split apart to multiply? They also make a slime that sticks people to walls, which the original didn't do either.

The little lizards bots were models of, yikes, super evolved Janeway and Paris. And their babies, yikes, yikes, yikes. Why did the model get a mustache tho?

The Clown ep had an amazing ending and the sets reminded me of classic TOS and certain holodecks in Next Gen (like Troi's mom with Alexander in the mud baths). The Clown also tried killing Lower Deckers with a knife, ala the guillotine from the ep.

I haven't seen Chaotica and Michael Sullivan yet. Can't wait to see captain proton.

The Neelix Cheese messed up Voyager in season 1, where Tuvok was teaching unruly marquis.

I haven't seen the Borg yet.

The Tuvix thing was... I dunno, they could have stored his personality in the transport buffer and materialized a body for him?

I have to see the Tom Paris ep of Lower Decks again, unless there's character spoilers there. I think he does marry Torres.

Are there Doctor and Harry Kim references in Lower Decks that I missed? They're my faves. Also Neelix sometimes.

I'll get into what I thought of s1 s2 Voyager another time but it's been great! Only bad episode I can remember is the Chakotay Indian ep, ugh.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Near the end of season 3. There was just a weird episode where Neelix and Kes were suddenly broken up. Happened off screen?

Warlord was also a very cool acting episode for Kes.

And Darkling (episode where Neelix and Kes broke up?) had the Doctor be a very convincing evil guy! That was so cool!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I looked up the background and saw a peculiar note. Saying that the writers broke them up because they needed to make space for Seven of Nine.

I don't really know much about Seven of Nine (other than she's really popular) but I saw the ep were Chakotay met up with various aliens who were turned into Borg.

Please do not answer this question. I just want to state it for my own record but... is Kes going to become Seven of Nine?!?!? This is kinda mindblowing.

Also saw the Harry Kim surrounded by alien ladies who want his genetic material. It was like a TOS animated ep.

Kes going backwards in time was scary, especially when she appeared in the womb.

The Doctor having a family was, geez, did they have to kill his kid?


Active member
Yeah, I remember the throat punch of the Doctor and his holographic family.

I haven’t done a Next Gen/DS9/Voyager re-watch in years. I figure it’s about time.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Along a similar vein...



So for anyone who doesn't know, that's nearly a word-for-word send-up of Ricardo Montalban's infamous 1970s TV spot for the Chrysler Cordoba, which inspired thousands of jokes about 'Corintian leather':

And it's a little extra funny when you consider that the Chrysler Corporation also started manufacturing the Plymouth Reliant the year before Star Trek II was released.

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