Customs Shoes for Cheetor and his kin


Well-known member
I decided I was tired of Cheetor/Ravage/Shadow Panther having tiny feet, so I commissioned Trent Troop to make some shoes. These are dyed-and-painted from the prototype run, found a few bits that need tweaking before Trent puts them up on Prize Inside on Shapeways. But they definitely help with stability and the looks of the robot mode. (I suppose something more like slippers could be placed on the hands in beast mode, but these look better.)

I have a lot of yellow paints, yet was unable to match the yellow of regular Cheetor. Sigh.


I went for silver shoes on the two black cats, although I think maybe that's too much silver on Shadow Panther. I may repaint mine to be black. Below are a black pair I made for a friend's Shadow Panther:




Wondering bot
The silver on Shadow Panther looks fine and blends better than Ravage's ones, at least from what I can tell in the picture


Staff member
Council of Elders
These look like an absolute must have. Especially for Ravage with his added bulk.

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