Power Rangers General Discussion Thread


I wouldn't even care so much about that, if you could just do the panel by panel thing on your phone.

I got the Transformers bundle from IDW eons ago, and just seem to remember it being harder to read on my phone overall.
I don't know of any free comic readers that do it, but I have one called "Smart Comic" that does it, and allows you to change directions for reading manga. it was $1.99 in the Apple App Store. It does need to have iCloud Drive (at least for Apple devices) but supposedly you can get your comics from OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. but it's got some kind of issue with Google Drive. I haven't figured out how to get it to sync to any of my cloud storage except iCloud Drive, so I can't speak to how it works regarding the others.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It amazes (terrifies?) me this property is over THREE DECADES OLD and within SIX YEARS of Hasbro buying it; it’s all but dead in the US.

You cannot get a property with less overhead. Japan SHOOTS THE SHOW FOR YOU. Stop doing your own shit in New Zealand and just go back to basics and shoot a bunch of nobodies in a Vancouver backlot and overdub the suit footage.

I've genuinely lost track of what ambitions they had for their take on this, and I think they have too. But the core formula... it ain't really broke, don't fix it.

It has to be one of the easier franchises to turn a profit with. It even has a "G1" you can (and they have) milk while you work on stuff. Arguably even multiple ones that are popular with the audience.


Continuity Nutcase
You guys gotta see this!

The #PowerRangersPreservationProject Presents The Dino Rangers Pitch With Bio-Man Pilot Footage!

Sometime after Saban’s Galaxy Rangers Pitch but before MMPR footage was ready, Saban released DINORANGERS — a 6.5 minute Pitch recycling more bits from the lost Bioman Pilot cut against Zyuranger Footage [and even some Bioman!].

New US Bio-Man footage included previously seen Preservation Teasers like Victor Lee’s and Zack Taylor’s extended intros, a solitary peek at an Americanized Peebo as Alpha-5, plus a variety of new shots of the teens in the desert, additional interactions [❌90210❌], and a final moment of Zack at Victor Lee’s Dojo.

Most notably, Barbara Goodson appears as the iconic voice of Rita Repulsa — predating the original MMPR Cast — while also dubbing Trini in Zyu footage, as the Bio-Man Pilot Cast were years removed from production. Much of the dialogue would be recycled in the MMPR Pilot and Series. Other observations:

• DinoRangers was set in 2014
• Zordon referred to as both ‘Zantor the Wise’ and ‘Zoltar’
• Command Center = The Desert Control Center
• Power Coins = Coins of Power
• Squatt and Baboo = Grock and Mongo
• Bones = One of Rita’s Core Henchmonsters
• Dino Zords + Megazord = Dino Droids + Mega DinoDroid

Coming Soon from Saban Entertainment… if Rita allows it!

Digitization & Archival by @PR_Media_Info.


Well-known member
Man, what a weird look into what could have been.

Seems like this version might have been planned to be a bit more jokey and comedic. Or maybe that was just playing everything up to get companies excited to fund it.

Still, great find!


Staff member
Council of Elders
Love this.

I've always loved that Haim Saban was trying to get this going from that far back (until he finally talked to the patron saint of 90s kid TV, Margaret Loesch), because the local (English) dub of Bioman was the first Sentai anything I ever knew.

And I somehow went through my entire time with Power Rangers, all the way until lapsing out of it, without knowing that. So discovering it was one of those mind-blowing weird kismet things.

And oh wow, this opens right up by firmly establishing it's the 90s with that NOT joke. And the rest is just pure cringe charm, delightful.


Continuity Nutcase
It's like that perfect missing piece between the Galaxy Rangers pitch and the very first "Day of the Dumpster" pilot.

In fact, there was actually a third version of said MMPR pilot episode, one filmed between the first version above and the final version that aired on TV. The director of this pilot, Adrian Carr, has uploaded this lost middle version of the pilot to YouTube, showing a very different set of opening scenes with a full fight between the ranger teens (before they become rangers) and Bulk and Skull's gang (yes, there was more than just the two of them, originally). The fight scene with the Putties is also different, with different fight choreography. The Megazord fight is also the most different part of all, using footage from one of the final Zyuranger episodes instead of the Goldar fight that ended up being used in the final version:

And here's the official final version for comparison:



Continuity Nutcase
Power Rangers voice actor Campbell Cooley shares his experience auditioning for the voice of Lord Zedd back when the character was first brought back for Dino Fury (he didn't get the part, of course, since Zedd was voiced by Andrew Laing, but still):


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