Police behaving badly


too old for this
Do you need trailing on how to handle sovereign citizens? I feel like you could just treat them like anyone else who's being belligerent and resisting arrest, and in this case it would be totally justified.
Yes, we do need training on how to deal with them verbally. Just because we can go hands on doesn't make that the best option, even if they're insufferable assholes. Physical force opens the door to injury to both suspect and officer, opens the door to potential civil suits, not to mention miles of paperwork. If we can talk them down, for the love of God, talk them down. Seriously, a class on how to handle delusional people would be extremely appreciated.

I mean, yeah, you can do the old "I'm going to ask, I'm going to tell, then I'm going to make you" but frankly I think we should be looking at a better way then just yanking them from the car and arm barring them to the ground. I want a better way, one that doesn't have to involve force.

It would also help because sovereigns do tend to also be heavily armed and I really don't want to get shot over a traffic stop.


too old for this
Just watched that episode this morning.
I am appalled that neither have yet faced charges or had their credentials revoked.


NOT a New Member.
Brutal and racist police kicking Asian tourist in the head and then stomping on his head.

Only one of the officers was punished.

People protested the incident

Of course, far-right protestors took affront to all of this.
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Anonymous X

Well-known member
A police commissioner for Hampshire in England is more sympathetic to the far-right rioters currently burning and looting towns and cities across the UK than the victims of the disorder.

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