Nobody has the intention to invade Ukraine


Slightly Off
Not really a funny take from r/news, given Germany and Poland have cooperated bilaterally since the end of the Cold War, have been partners in Nato since 1999 and the EU since 2004. (Luftwaffe literally means Air Force, incidentally; it’s not some special Nazi term.) Greece and Turkey have been partners in Nato and EU bilateral accords for decades as well…

Yeah, but I also have seen plenty of Germans and Poles having fun with the situation (Finding humor where one can). Like "So we're clear, we're being INVITED into Poland to fight the Russians this time. I just want clarification for any potential misunderstandings."

Followed up with: "Consent is important."


Staff member
Council of Elders
For once a heartwarming update. Currently unsanctioned Russian oligarch's bigass boat stuck in Norway because locals won't sell them fuel. Line of year suggesting they row or use sails to get home.


The Doctor Who

Now With Sheffield Steel!
Y'know, I've really been trying to stay away from P&R, just for mental health reasons, if nothing else, but seeing this shit unfold reminds me of a bit from 3001: Final Odyssey and I gotta bring it up.

Arthur C. Clarke describes how global economy and tourism lead to the end of open warfare. Basically, it becomes economically and politically infeasible to actually declare war against any given nation as it would, in turn hurt that country's own standing and finances. On top of which, there are, at any given time, there are citizens of multiple nations (including their own) traveling so an all out war would inevitably involve the counties of those staying there.

Like, I'm not naive enough to think we're at that point, but watching the other countries basically turn on Russia and exercise economic kneecapings does suggest there's some viability to that idea.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Tourism has not much to do with it. As it stands: we're all currently inextricably economically linked. Most of egypt and saudia arabia don't want the shit in ukraine to drag on too long because they get most of their wheat from russia and ukraine. Europe wants this over so they can end the sanctions and get the flow of natural gas back on. Winter might be over with now, but there's still another coming half a year down the line. Russia flogs ungodly amounts of raw and refined titanium the world over, which is going to impact the aerospace industry in short order, and that whole "no space launches for americans" will affect the placement of a massive amount of GPS and telecommunication satellites. Canada gets a lot of fertilizer for our own agricultural industry from russia, and we're still in the process of recovering from the alternating droughts and floods last year, and now we have to hike up yields to help feed the world with only POLITICAL bullshit to fertilize the land? Nothing doing there.

It's already affecting the economy on a global scale, and it will only get worse even without the pandemic effects in there.


Slightly Off
It's to keep Donations coming in and keep bad press out. You'll notice on Space Foundation's own website they only changed the title. The blurb underneath it still calls it "Yuri's Night" and the webpage itself still has his photo as its background.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Putin might be crazy, but we've gone over this: he literally cannot use nukes without ending all of russia. An ended russia in which the survivors will literally break his ass out of his bunker and very actually eat him alive.


Okay I'm ready to concede, as scary as this is, that this man is not playing with a full deck of cards. He cray.
Putin had most of the political opposition and independent media in Russia "cancelled" (aka shut down and murdered). So he's definitely a big fan of "cancel culture". He's just trying to appeal to Western conservatives like Tucker and Ben who care about this crap like how Osama Bin Laden suddenly caring about global warming when he was living in that house in Pakistan.

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