MYM - Chap2, Ep7: "Hoof Done It?"...................................(SPOILERS)

Guardian Prime

Veteran Allsparker

Zipp is on the case!
What went missing?
Who done did it?

The episode is now available on Netflix


Hoof Done It?

Detective Zipp is on the case to find a thief when Sunny's magic lantern goes missing.
Misty seems to be the prime suspect... or is she?



Well-known member
Hoof done it:
Okay, since this started at night, I thought it was a direct continuation of the last episode. But, I guess this is supposed to be a different day than the sleepover. Kind of confusing in a binge.

“HOPE IS GONE!” Oh, it’s called the Hope Lantern. I need to remember that.

Izzy’s been making bobbleheads.

Zipp is ALL decked out. I think this is the first time she’s used her Visor in MYM.

*Half-bitten apple* “Who DOES this?” ….Honestly, that’s pretty mild compared to some of the stuff Izzy’s done in TYT.

“Did I just taste dirt? *yuk*” Yes, yes, you did.

Pipp’s little dance is cute.

Is NO ONE concerned about where Misty is? They remember she was at the sleepover, too, right?

Why was Misty trying to bury the lantern? She panicked, didn’t she?

Pipp it’s sweet that you want your sister to be a big hero, but…hiding the lantern just so she can find it is a TERRIBLE IDEA!

Does Pipp just…keep a bottle of glitter on her at all times?

Yup, she panicked.

Zipp…doesn’t know about Misty I guess. Fine, she was sleepy.

LOL everyone’s staring at ZIpp like she’s crazy in the background as she’s using her drone to check everyone out.

The old lady pony is Mayflower. And she has a old lamp that looks JUST LIKE the Hope Lantern…that Izzy just got done repairing. Does Izzy just turn ALL lanterns into the same design.?Does she only know one kind of lantern? (Did she replace THIS one with a completely different one like she did Sunny’s?)

Be-lizzle continues to be a thing. I wish it wasn’t.

Izzy makes the most unhinged faces of the entire show in this scene with Zipp. Whoever animated this scene did a GREAT job.

“…And cute moment over” Babies summed up in a sentence.

“MY PUZZLE!” Hitch DOES get bored. He keeps a puzzle in his office just for something to do.

IZZY took the lantern out to the garden? Really? Her “Oooh” when she realizes she could have just used her horn is pretty great, too.

Senior Butterscotch RETURNS! He was in a episode of TYT for anyone who didn’t watch that.


Well, now we have a reason for Zipp NOT to suspect Misty for the rest of the show.

Okay, this song is actually pretty great. Has a kind of Scooby Doo vibe. Kind of comes out of nowhere, though.

“This thing is powerful” …Is it, though? It hasn’t DONE much.

The lantern resonates with cutie magic. Zipp’s going to study it.

Dragonfire can apparently restore Opalline’s magic…somehow…

Wait…is Sparky’s magic supposed to be transforming one thing into another? I just figured he was switching objects. Like he switched cutie marks.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
You beat me.

Hoof Done It?

0:19 I'm surprised Zipp let herself go back to sleep.

3:29 I wonder if the writers can already hear Zipp question their decisions while they're trying to write a script.

4:30 Misty left the lantern in the garden? How incompetent are these villains?

4:49 Pipp, this is Sunny's lantern. This isn't about Zipp. Don't overthink this. Pipp. Stop.Stahp.

5:29 What were you thinking, Misty?

5:46 Misty's day goes from bad to worse.

6:40 What do you mean "No sold leads"? You know darn well it was Misty.

7:27 Cloudpuff saves the day. Apparently.

12:50 Why did you not do this in the first place, Zipp?

12:59 Hey the tram is back up and running, and ponies are casually walking in its path as if they don't expect it. Has it been down for repairs this whole time or something?

I stopped taking notes because I was just annoyed. This is the first episode that forces the characters to make dumb decisions to keep the plot going. Considering the quality of these characters, they deserve better than this.

It might have worked if Misty actually didn't take the lantern. We'd have been as surprised as Zipp. But we know she took it, and buried it for reasons she doesn't know either.

The alternative puzzle doesn't fit together. Pipp hid the lantern after finding it outside, after [blank], after Izzy brought it back inside after taking it outside. There's still a Misty shaped hole here that Zipp just gives up on.


Well-known member
I stopped taking notes because I was just annoyed. This is the first episode that forces the characters to make dumb decisions to keep the plot going. Considering the quality of these characters, they deserve better than this.
True. But, I think it's dumb by design. They needed a "mystery" that Zipp couldn't solve. And Zipp's a pretty decent investigator. So...they needed a mystery full of nonsense. And BOY did they deliver.

Zipp gives up because NO ONE'S motivations make sense. She just had enough.

I think there's enough antics to keep it fun. But, if you expected a actual solvable mystery? Yeah, this was ridiculous.

But, it gave them a way to dial back on Zipp suspecting Misty. Which...she SHOULD have been found out at the sleepover. But, oh well.


Staff member
Council of Elders
The problem is it arguably didn't give Zipp a reason to ease up on Misty. Take away the threads that went nowhere and her reasons for suspicion are left entirely intact. She can't construct a chain of events that doesn't still have a missing link. She just gives up.

Which, admittedly, I probably would too after finding out about the stunt Pipp pulled.

Best part of the episode is Misty acknowledging her inability to find the right words when she's under pressure. Maybe that's why Zipp gives up. Misty isn't lying there.


Well-known member
I think its semi-plausible that Zipp just gives up when Pipp explains it was "all" her. She's feeling dejected becuase all the clues were leading her in one direction; which we the audience knows is right. But Pipp's explination means that Misty, guilty or not, didn't have the lantern. She was never gonna solve the case, ie recover the lantern, by following that lead. This makes Zipp doubt herself big time, becuase what she was so sure of, gets curveballed. Suddenly, the idea that Misty is innocent enters the picture, and the fact that Misty is a nervous wreck that panics easily, with her kinda telling the truth about it; makes it seem Zipp was being hard on an innocent pony that panicked and ran, because she's prone to doing that. Yes, there is still stuff that doesn't add up, and we could see that make a return later. But for now, Zipp kinda doubts her investigation skills, thinks she was being to hard on an 'innocent' pony. This is realistic. When you get laser focused on a task, all it takes is one good speed bump to make you question everything, which leads to Zipp just giving up becuase nothing makes sense. It doesn't take much to see her entire bubble burst when Pipp revealed herself at the culprit, and she remains kinda in the mopey mindset til the lantern gives her a new thing to investigate.


Staff member
Council of Elders
This is one of those times when doing the irrational thing is totally realistic. I probably wouldn't have a problem with it if it didn't come at the end of an episode that is entirely built on characters making dumb decisions I didn't find believable.


Well-known member
Eh, I find their actions totally believable. Pipp is doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, and even leaves what she feels are super obvious clues that would lead Zipp right to her. She doesn't think that Zipp would get so hyper-focused that she'd come up with a different solution. It's a dumb descison; but Pipp has always cared about her sister's enjoyment of things; and considering that Zipp both here and TYT is kinda stand-offs when it comes to doing stuff (TYT having a whole episode devoted to this) it totally makes sense character wise that Pipp would want to prolong her sister's happiness.

And Misty is panic horse. Panic horse is gonna panic. She successfully steals the lantern, but ends up not being able to see in the dark. She fumbles and panics in the garden due to that. Can't use the lantern incase anyone sees it, can't use her horn becuase she doesn't have magic. So when she's worried about being cuaght, makes the best descison she can: Hide the lantern til she can come back when she can see to retrieve it and hope someone didn't get to it before her. Also fits in with the whole 'Misty is bad at being a villian'


Staff member
Council of Elders
Pipp's actions might be okay if it were something of Zipp's that were missing. But it's Sunny's lantern. It's not Pipp's place to make a game of it while Sunny is still worried about it. It's worse because she should have some sense of its significance. Pipp happens to be the pony Izzy showed it to when she started restoring it. Pipp should also be a lot more suspicious of the circumstances of how she found it.

If I got to do another draft of this script but had to stick with this plot, I'd reorder the investigation. I'd save the questioning of Izzy for the very end. I'd have Pipp be the one who happens to see Izzy in the garden at night. That would give her a lot less reason to be suspicious of finding the lantern there (though it's still very weird that it's in a bag). I know they wanted the scene with Zipp and Pipp to be the climax, so keep it there and shorten Izzy's interrogation so it's just an end of episode conversation. Have Izzy's realization that she could have just used her horn be the final funny moment that lets out the episode's tension. But then she reveals that she did put the lantern back where she found it, so the episode's stinger is Zipp realizing she's back at square one. With this ordering, Zipp is allowed to piece together a seemingly complete sequence of events before it's ripped back open, instead of just giving up.

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