Harris-Walz / Dems

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Welcome to american politics! Where all the words are lies, and the polls don't matter.


This is a race, though, and people need to recognize that, because of the distinguishing difference between Republican and Democrat voters.

Republicans will compromise every principle they had to continue supporting a guy who stands with them on one important thing.

Democrats will refuse to compromise on a single principle and leave a guy hanging if they disagree with him on one important thing.

Gaza could tank Biden in the long run even if (maybe especially if) he flipflops on support for Israel.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Gaza won't even be in the news by christmas, never mind the election. And why would he flip on supporting israel?


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
when i saw the headline i wanted to tie a cinderblock to my neck and drown myself in the nearby river, but after reading further, a lot of this poll sounds sus as **** tbh. biden having only a single percentage point lead among young voters, democrats saying they'd rather vote for trump over biden, and biden bleeding out POC voters is like... cripes. none of this makes any goddamn sense, especially in frigging michigan, a state where iirc the dems have the governorship and a majority in the state congress and senate. and that's not even getting into nevada or pennsylvania. and ohio's not even a swing state anymore; it's just Bootleg Florida.

i expect things are gonna improve for biden when the campaign really starts and he gets to hammer trump on abortion, fascism and racial politics. those are winning issues.


jumbled pile of person
i expect things are gonna improve for biden when the campaign really starts and he gets to hammer trump on abortion, fascism and racial politics. those are winning issues.
I admittedly didn't pay any real attention to the 2020 campaigns, so I have to ask the rest of you: Did he do that then? Somehow Biden strikes me as too much of a cuddly grandpa to get that confrontational. Like the sort of person too polite to use the "F" word even if his opponent goosestepped into the room wearing a Hugo Boss original and gave a Roman salute to the audience.

when i saw the headline i wanted to tie a cinderblock to my neck and drown myself in the nearby river
What I actually want to say in response to this would 100% get me banned, so instead I'll remind you that giving the bad people exactly what they want is never the solution, no matter how hopeless things get.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Biden is not directly confrontational... but dark brandon is a thing, and using humour to shame and call out the fuckwits on the otherside... well, he does that. And does it well.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Not that said fuckwits have the capacity to be ashamed of anything they're doing, but at least the rest of us can get a laugh out of it.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
Like the sort of person too polite to use the "F" word even if his opponent goosestepped into the room wearing a Hugo Boss original and gave a Roman salute to the audience.
dark brandon literally gave a speech last year when he used the "f" word for MAGAts


For a guy who calls himself a Democrat, Manchin sure was singing the economic song from the 1990 edition of the Republican hymnal.

It's pretty rich for the guy who was the sole reason we couldn't get the increased child tax credit extended to now be claiming that the "Democrat machine" doesn't want to help people with economic issues.


Well-known member
**** him and his neoliberal bullshit.

Yeah, any Republican stooge WV elects won’t vote with Democrats 100% of the time (as compared to Manchin’s 20% or so) but that also means he won’t be there to kneecap getting rid of the filibuster if Democrats get 60 seats in the Senate.


Wouldn't make any real difference in this day and age. The fairness doctrine only applied to publicly-licensed over-the-air broadcasters, and the vast majority of the right-wing media machine is on cable/satellite or online, two places it wouldn't've applied.


jumbled pile of person
Yeah, and the Big Three are pretty reasonably moderate even without being forced. Now, "local news" broadcasts on Sinclair-owned stations on the other hand...


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Which is also a result of deregulation. It used to be that one company wasn't allowed to own multiple stations in a single market(heck, it was actually a plot point in UHF). That ended in 2003, I believe. Now one company can own up to three in a single market and most markets don't really have more than three, especially if you don't count the local PBS affiliate. Heck, locally the same company has the Fox, CBS and NBC affiliates, thankfully it's not Sinclair, though.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.

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