Gotta Catch 'Em All! - Pokémon Thread


So here's the deal. I finally found a Ditto in Scarlet. So here is what I have ready for trade (and can readily Ditto up some more if I run out). Don't be shy because I already have some in the boxes and I really only need the parents. The babies are truly only in my boxes for trading fodder.

Scarlet: I'm not in post game yet, so I can't promise anything than what I already have. But if you know of a Scarlet exclusive that you want, tell me and I'll be on the look out. In the mean time, I have:

Taurus (Fighting, Fire)

Violet: I'm in post game. If I don't list it here, I can probably get it. I hate to promise the Iron ones (Iron Hands, Iron Jugulis, etc.) because they can't be simply bred. I'd have to go out and catch some. Some are easy to catch and are a dime a dozen. Others can be a bit of a pain in the ass. But if you need one, I'll try. Here's what I already have/can easily breed:

Taurus (Fighting, Water)


Nonstop Baaka
Just have one more Team Star member to fight before going to the crater. Taking my time exploring ruins and anything else on the map that looks interesting.


Violet: finished except for the classes at the school. I may or may not do those at some point. Other than that I'm just breeding and leveling.

Scarlet: I have:1 gym, 1 titan and 1 team star base to go. I finished the school classes last night.

The main thing that's slowing me down is that in other pokemon games I would build a decently rounded team near the beginning and take most of those pokemon through to the end, maybe trading out two to three mid-game. Here it feels like I'm having to switch out half my team after nearly every event (gym, titan, base) to keep a type advantage. Of course then I have to level the mon I just switched in.

But I'm getting there.
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Nonstop Baaka
Just have one more Team Star member to fight before going to the crater. Taking my time exploring ruins and anything else on the map that looks interesting.
Whoops. Found out that I have to defeat the Elite4 to finish Victory Road. *grumbles*


Now all I have to do is face the Elite 4, Face Penny and the battle at the Poco Path Light House and then I'll finally be ready for Area Zero!



I have got to find this music to own. I can't find it on iTunes or Amazon, but I absolutely need this in my library.


Nonstop Baaka
Thoughts on becoming Champion:
Didn't look it up beforehand, TMM gave me a few tips. I had some trouble with Rika, Hassel nearly wiped me. Easiest win was the tiny girl, and Geeta looks way more tough than she actually was. Nemona was decently tough. Hassel's so emotional, lol.

The Championship interview first Q threw me off, though.
"What do you mean, how did I arrive to the building? I walked most of the way, but did I use Miraidon at the end? F---!"

Oh, and Tyranitar and Salamance are currently appearing at a higher rate in 4 or 5 star raids until 12/11/22, 3:59pm PST. Haven't seen any yet on my end.


I always do some homework before going into the Elite 4. It's such a gauntlet of attrition that I want to make sure I have some type advantages.

But looking at it from a story perspective, anyone ever think that the Elite 4 is inherently unfair? It's one person against five (including the champion) of the toughest, most elite trainers of the region. By the time you get to the actual champion, you're not just having to prove you're better than the champion, you're proving that you're so much better than them that you can beat them after already having gone through a gauntlet of some of the toughest trainers of the region.

Any other sport, by the time you earn the right to face the champion for the belt, you've usually had a good rest beforehand.


Nonstop Baaka
Eh, I'd rather be surprised. It does let you use your own items in between fights, and there's a free heal before the champ.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
In a real life scenario, yeah, you'd expect time to rest your team in between fights. In a video game? Gauntlet time ************.



This is my Violet trainer Adora.


This is my Scarlet trainer Lucia


Arceus Trainer Caldwin.

Why am I sharing this with you? What makes me think you give a toss? I dunno. I've shared photos of a crap ton of shinies and my entire Pokemon collectio (minus my cards), might as well show you these.


Nonstop Baaka
Beat the game! I quite enjoyed the story and lack of a mustache-twirling villain. When the credits started, I had to put my Switch in Sleep Mode for a bit. When I came back to it, the credits were already at the end! What the heck? Annoyed that it didn't actually pause them, but I'm sure I can find them online.

2nd Miraidon was a b*tch to catch. Didn't want to use the Master ball so soon after I got it. 1 HP left, popping out of balls left and right. Finally got it with a Timer ball. It has good moves and Awesome stats, but it's not *my* Miraidon, so off to TMM it goes.

I wish the Crater had a map, even if it only unlocks in the end game. It's hard to remember which way I have or haven't been after being able to use Miraidon again.


Nice! I got them for Violet. I just entered Area Zero on Scarlet and it won't let me use the Portal at the moment. Thanks for the code.

Oh, And I'm finally to Area Zero on Scarlet.

And the credits are rolling. *sigh* It has its performance issues, but I still had a lot of fun with these two games. I do think Violet is my favorite. Well, I guess I still have some post-game stuff to do (legendary hunting, redoing the gyms). But wow it feels nice to have finished these.
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I'm sure there's a couple that could have been named differently. Iron Tred was Digdogger because of the whole round thing. By the time I got to Dodongo, there was a matter of what names were left. Guy was kinda dinosaurish to me, so he was Dodongo.

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