Generations Selects Appreciation Thread


I'll get better someday, hopefully.
In More than Meets the Eye, there are generic lavender + white Seekers. They're called Air Warriors. Right there. People would want to army build them. Make it happen.

Nacelle could be Thrust but with the Starscream/Thundercracker head (though that isn't technically accurate to his episode 1 model). But what about the Ramjet/Thrust head on the regular Seeker body? What about...

WHEEZING ARROW. Now that's a deep dive. (maybe he should do more than just have a statue first...)

I'm unlikely to buy any more Seeker redecos/retools because of my current "somewhat budgeted" status (and I have Earthrise Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Thrust, Dirge, and Ramjet already). But I think it would be great and fun to see all these for all you who would buy them. :3 And it seems many of you would love to buy plenty of these so make it happen, Hasbro.
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Well-known member
I bet Hasbro would more likely use the seeker mold than the Cyclonus/Metal Hawk one

Depends on how close they want to keep the the animation. And looking at Crasher I'd say "potentially close" becuase Leader-1 looks nothing even remotely like a seeker. Metalhawk, who doesn't have any of the seekerness in his robot mode, would end up looking closer, to the original look. The Orignal Leader 1 has little to no alt mode showing in his robot mode, and only Metalhawk manages to capture that closely, becuase if he didn't have his wings; I don't think you'd know exactly what he would turn into.

If you did a seeker in silver and black, it'd just look like a seeker in silver and black.


How did we get so dark?
If you did a seeker in silver and black, it'd just look like a seeker in silver and black.
Admittedly, before I thought of Leader-1, this was my first thought, but a fully realistic paint job on the mold would have pretty much zero appeal.

Shame there wasn't an F-15 demonstration team (along the lines of the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds) to have done a collaborative with.


Well-known member
Don't forget, there's also the blue and white alternate deco for Leader-1. That might look good on either mold.

Yeah but no one (ok, most people) is looking for that one.

It’d be like doing Crasher in her original Jazz-like scheme.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Honestly, I still maintain that Blue Leader-1 is the less boring deco. But, thinking about it, it would be less visually distinct from either Thundercracker on the Seeker mold, or (as pointed out) Metalhawk, while gray Leader-1 would actually stand out from the usual deco options on either mold, so yeah.

Granted, I already have a clearanced PotP Jazz waiting for a Rothmans Crasher deco, and I don't think it would fit the Mirage mold that well, but if Crasher was a new mold figure and not just a redeco, I would absolutely expect the white deco sometime. Particularly with the SG precedent.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Optimus Maximus
Energon Omega Suprme
Animated Omega Supreme
Lugnut Supreme
Majin Zarak
Studio Series Driller
Underbase Starscream

Combiner titans:
Cyberverse Volcanicus
Don't forget Citadel Secundus!


Well-known member
When it comes to Gobot homages, I think sticking to the animation is key. After all, Fracture/Crasher uses the animation head and bot design vs the toy's which is noticeably different. An all gray jet could be boring, but if they took the time to do it properly would look pretty cool. A straight gray repaint of the Earthrise Seeker mold would not be doing it properly.


Well-known member
When it comes to Gobot homages, I think sticking to the animation is key. After all, Fracture/Crasher uses the animation head and bot design vs the toy's which is noticeably different. An all gray jet could be boring, but if they took the time to do it properly would look pretty cool. A straight gray repaint of the Earthrise Seeker mold would not be doing it properly.

Well this is where you get creative. A seeker wll NEVER do as Leader 1. I've been adament about that for decades. You need a non-seeker Jet mode before anything. And right now, Metalhawk is the best choice, It helps with with a new head and chest (not saying they would) he'd be almost dead on. But beyond that, you have to remember is that Leader 1 IS NOT ALL GRAY. He's mostly gray.

He's also got black, red, and orange you can work with. And you can make his Jet mode stand out some if you add some of the decals his larger toy had. You could even mix up his grays some to furher add variety.

Funpub's Leader-1 and Eagle Robo show that you make him look good.



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