Deadpool 3!!

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Oh lawd, Caldwin, you're gonna get a rant out of me! :p
First, the clearance price is more reflective of the limited amount of time retailers are giving this stuff to sell. X-Men was only planned to sell this past year (presumably, Hasbro was told X-Men 97 would run in the fall before Disney pushed it back). I saw Avengers MechStrike Mechasaur figures clearanced out only to see the same figure made available in a different packaging (or a slightly different accessory). Further, $10 is pretty much the entry point for action figures, these days. While Playmates and Spin Master are, generally, cheaper, it typically isn't by much ($8-9 vs $10-11).

The shift in companies, production methods and overall market trends aside....I still maintain (as I've said in other threads) that companies, particularly Hasbro, are REALLY shortchanging the quality of their "kids action figures". It's hard to tell which end the issue is originating (or which combination of both), but Disney has frequently left Hasbro out of the loop, leaving Hasbro having to guesstimate what they should be making. Or Disney might be dictating the active "marketing period" for lines and might be dissuading Hasbro from old school evergreen type lines. Hasbro, for its part, is seemingly running its kids section on a VERY tight budget with some very...uneven...priorities.
Hell, depending on how you interpret Steve Evans' teaser images from last year, Hasbro might consider the "Epic Hero" segment to be its own thing with a limited about of resources. Meaning you have Avengers, X-Men, Spider-Man and whatever other movie or show(s) all competing for a limited amount of resources.

To me, I think the decision to go with 4" was a play to a collector base that isn't there or isn't interested in this sort of product. The old 4" guard aren't going to be looking for these sort of main characters with the (relatively) lesser articulation and paint apps. Further, the nature of the market really doesn't support the kind of widespread vehicle and play set support the scale was largely designed for. My assumption is that Hasbro opted for the scale to better differentiate the value between "the kids toys" and the larger 6" Legends figures, but I didn't have a big issue with the 5" aside from the soft sculpts and lack of paint. I think the smaller scale also helps hide a LOT of those latter issues as well, so those might have been a reason for the scale change.

Disregarding THOSE considerations...Hasbro's output has been almost excessively conservative. The first wave of Epic Hero basic figures (Hasbro branding term for the kid 4" lines) for Spider-Man was only four figures, X-Men was 3, and Avengers Mechasaurs was TWO (upped to four in the 2024 rebrand). Core character focus are kids to become invested when the ENTIRE YEAR of X-Men figures was SIX?! And of those, one was a plus sized figure and one was limited to a retailer exclusive multipack.
You compare that to Spin Master's offerings, which typically have 6-8 figures per "wave", plus battle sets.

To me, ESPECIALLY these days when kids are buying toys over a shorter period of time, you need to ensure what you have offers enough to become at least somewhat invested in the property. If you can get that initial purchase, CAPITALIZE by ensuring kids/parents have at least a FEW figures to build a meaningful set of scenarios. I'm not asking for two dozen figures across a single property...but at LEAST offer more than a half dozen (50% or more being just one or two main characters).


Thing is, maybe it's just inflation, but it just doesn't feel like it was that long ago when 4-inch lines were about $4-5. Now their asking twice that and the quality has gone down. Like, I just found some 4-inch X-Men in my collection (Kitty, Night Crawler, Psylocke, a couple. Storms), and they were still better made than this. They're more articulated with waist and ankle joints. The joints also don't feel like they're going to snap if I try to move them (having to boil your toys in hot water to loosen up the joints used to not be a thing). I even dare to say the paint apps are better.

Now I will say the Legends line is still impressive from what I can see online. Though finding the ones you want can be a real hunt around the city and an excercise in frustration.

It's just so weird to me that once upon a time: Hasbro, Toy Biz, Playmates and Mattel weren't only the biggest names in toymaking, they were the only names! They've been doing it longer than anybody else. And yet except for maybe the He-Man line, it seems like the newer companies like NECA, Super 7 and Loyal Subjects are making things far better than any of the old companies. Sure NECA and Super 7 are more expensive, but the quality is beyond compare. It's like the old companies can't even touch what the new companies are doing.

Okay, sorry, that was a rant too. This thread is supposed to be about Deadpool and Wolverine. It's just that Deadpool and Wolverine kinda reignited some of my love for the X-Men. It's just a shame that a lot of what's out there is crap. And maybe that's just because my Target has stocking issues. Maybe it's just because Hasbro is only releasing crap. I can't remember the last time I've even seen a Deadpool toy that wasn't a Funko Pop.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
They FINALLY gave him a line!
That said…I’ll say I like Liev Schrieber’s interpretation better, but I see why they went in this direction.


I liked Liev Shriebers interpretation better too. Unfortunately his interpretation is connected to one of the most panned X-Men movies.Would he even want to be in another X movie?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Beware, leaks of started to hit the web of various cameos featured in the film.

Also, initial reviews are starting to go up. General consensus is very mixed.

I plan to see it tomorrow afternoon.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I saw it! It was alright!

But I think the excessive meta commentary and cameos DID reach a point of overshadowing the core plot of the film. Especially in Deadpool’s dialog where it seemed like every other comment was some meta reference (That said, they set up a meta joke early on that got an AMAZING payoff at the end). Which was annoying because the film offered a lot of ”fragments of greatness”, which make me hope there is an extended cut sitting around to shore up the plot (especially on Deadpool’s side).
But the fan service? There’s more fan service per minute than in a harem anime, here. Again, some of it got to the point of distracting (and several reached the “too meta for its own good” level), but when some of them hit? They hit HARD.

I think the stand out, though, is Hugh Jackman. I don’t know if it is because he was free from the Fox leash, his repertoire with Reynolds, or simply the fact they gave him a damned proper costume, but he managed to hit “peak Wolverine” here. Broader film issues aside, this really IS the best “Classic” Wolverine performance he has ever given.
And it was also nice to see them actually give props to Fox at the end, with a nice little montage of behind the scenes and sequences from a vast number of Fox Marvel films (even acknowledging the garbage Fan4stic). While Fox fell behind in the superhero genre, it can’t be argued their success with X-Men helped pave the path to the MCU, and it was nice for the Deadpool team to acknowledge that.

Also, nitpick thing I’ve seen in the film coverage I need to get off my chest:
Many reports kept talking about a long haired “glam rock” Wolverine, who appears in a variant montage. While I’ll let the mainstream media coverage pass, the geek sites have dropped the ball. It’s a god dang Age of Apocalypse version! Gloriously comic accurate (including missing hand!). The fact it was never properly described kind of ruffles my jimmies, so to speak.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Could someone identify one of the easter eggs?

Who was the one with
the pink whip? The lady who caught X23 after she got the helmet? It can't be Psylocke, right? Who else can create pink constructs?

Also, the white and red striped thug is the enemy of Thomas Jane Punisher? The one played by Diesel? Can't remember the character's name.

There was a moment I thought Channing Gambit was going to say "Remember it" like the 97 toon.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Could someone identify one of the easter eggs?

Who was the one with
the pink whip? The lady who caught X23 after she got the helmet? It can't be Psylocke, right? Who else can create pink constructs?

Also, the white and red striped thug is the enemy of Thomas Jane Punisher? The one played by Diesel? Can't remember the character's name.

There was a moment I thought Channing Gambit was going to say "Remember it" like the 97 toon.
I think it was the funky X3: Last Stand Psylocke. Or at least a reference to that version of the character or film.

Given how calculated the cameos have been…I actually feel confident that WAS a variant of The Russian. That was his name, “The Russian”.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I don't recall of that version used her powers that way. Any other possible people? I tried googling it and got nothing.

Yes! That's the guy's name! Thanks! Hehe


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Saw it and while I enjoyed it, I do think it may have benefited from a little more trimming. Sometimes these days it almost feels like studios are scared to cut a few superfluous scenes.


I can't see myself sitting through a 2 hour 7 minute +/- previews movie without a potty break. So I'm really going to have to wait until Bluray. But I also don't see myself making it that long without seeing a bunch of so with that in mind...

I heard that Westley Snipes Blade made an appearance. Seeing as how Ryan Reynolds was in Blade 3 I have to as whether or not there was a reference to it or not?

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I can't see myself sitting through a 2 hour 7 minute +/- previews movie without a potty break. So I'm really going to have to wait until Bluray. But I also don't see myself making it that long without seeing a bunch of so with that in mind...

I heard that Westley Snipes Blade made an appearance. Seeing as how Ryan Reynolds was in Blade 3 I have to as whether or not there was a reference to it or not?
That means you’re just getting OLD
(Says someone who skipped the credits and end credit scene to rush to the bathroom)

Yes, and no. And it was probably the biggest pop of all the guest stars and cameos in the film at the screening I was at.


Active member
I guess I have a strong bladder for 40. I was drinking before AND during the film but I've never had to take a break at a theatre, no matter how long the film. I hate even taking breaks while doing (serious) watching at home. I'm a movie buff, and believe in committing 100% to the film while watching it.

In general I very much enjoyed it... loved Jackman's performance so much that I'll be very sad if we never see this version of Logan again. But I do agree with this:

But I think the excessive meta commentary and cameos DID reach a point of overshadowing the core plot of the film. Especially in Deadpool’s dialog where it seemed like every other comment was some meta reference

Personally, though, I'd have rather seen it handled by INCREASING the running time to introduce more time for dramatic/plot elements, not trimming things. I could see this at a 150m runtime, with the right kind of material reinserted... less jokey, more dramatic.

And even after seeing the film, I'm not 100% certain Deadpool is actually PART of the MCU going forward? Despite this film being intended as a farewell to the FOX universe (perhaps in combination with the upcoming Fantastic 4 film), he and Logan actually succeeded in saving the FOX X-Men universe from decaying and seem to be living there. Also, I thought Deadpool was taking place more or less contemporaneous with the REAL world date.... meaning the events of Logan are still in their future, and there are currently two Wolverines and will eventually be two X-23s once the test-tube one is created?

And maybe someone should do something about the whole genetically engineered grain shit to prevent that awfulness from happening.
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Agent X

Kreon Bastard
Saw it Thursday night. It was good for what it was, and exactly how Ryan Reynolds described it.

There were perhaps too many of the specific joke:
"Hope someone didn't do the thing."
"They did the thing."
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Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I think it was the funky X3: Last Stand Psylocke. Or at least a reference to that version of the character or film.
oh, you're right! I totally forgot the scene in the movie.

images (78).jpeg

She made whips when fighting Beast in the Apocalypse movie. I totally don't remember that scene at all!


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Saw it over the weekend. I thought it was great. I'm not a big comic person, but I'm embedded far enough into nerd culture to get 95% of the references. Spoiler-free quick opinion is that is a super fun buddy-cop type comedy action movie. Not a ton of plot, but that didn't bother me at all, because the movie was so damn fun to watch that it didn't need much of one.

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